
Team Granite First Task

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Link to the Live Server


Useful Links

Get Started

Fork the repo by clicking on the fork button

You will be redirected to a URL like this


Click on the clone or download button to select to copy the link


open your terminal and change directory into the directory you want to use for the project. run

git clone https://github.com/yourgithubusername/HNGi7-First-Task.git

change directory into the newly cloned HNGi7-First-Task folder using the command

cd HNGi7-First-Task

create a new branch with your name.

git checkout -b yourgithubusername

Add your script inside the scripts folder

Start the developmenet server.

php -S localhost:4000

The command above will create a localserver for you. Showing something like this in your terminal.

PHP 7.3.18-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 Development Server started at Thu Jun  4 08:20:58 2020
Listening on http://localhost:4000

open your browser and enter the address


kindly wait till the page stop loading then find your name using Ctrl + f on windows or command + f on MacOs. If your script is passed. Great!!! Congratulations. You are free to continue the next steps.

Make your changes know to git.

git add .

Write a commit message

git commit -m "your message goes here"

Push your branch to github

git push --set-upstream origin yourbranchname

Open Github and create a new pull request. Select the New Pull request button. select your branch name by clicking on the compare: master.

NOTE: Kindly use your first name and last name. **