
Dependency injection framework for Qt

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


Dependency injection framework for Qt


Dependency injection is an implementation of inverse of control and can be used to increase program modularity and extendability. In general it also results in more testable source code.

There is a lot of dependency injection frameworks for bytecode based languages like Java and C#, for instance Guice and Spring. C++ lacks reflection facilities that make dependency injection so powerfull in these languages.

Injeqt is an attempt to build a powerful and reliable dependency injection framework on Qt's reflection based on MOC (meta-object compiler). For version 0.1 some basic features were implemented.


QObject based services

All services dependencies in injeqt must be QObject descendents. This is requirement of Qt meta object system.

Setter-based injection of QObject services

All dependencies are injected by setters. Setters are defined in private slots part of class and must be marked with INJEQT_SET tag (INJEQT_SETTER is also available for backwards compatibility).

Additional slots can be marked with INJEQT_INIT and INJEQT_DONE tags. INJEQT_INIT methods are called after all injeqt setters are called - this allows for initializing of object when all services are available. INJEQT_DONE methods are called before injector with all its object is destroyed. This allows for gracefull shutdown with all services still available (destruction will follow calling all INJEQT_DONE methods in system).

Several methods of object creation

Injeqt can create object using default contructor or factories. It can also receive ready objects from outside (called ready-objects). Resolving of dependencies and calling injeqt setters, init and done methods is only done for objects created by injeqt itself - with default constructor method (added with add_type()). It can change in future versions of injeqt.

Injection into objects

Injeqt can also call INJEQT_SET methods on objects created outside injector infrastructure. Call injector.injeqt_into(QObject *) to do that. It will also call INJEQT_INIT methods after setting all services. No INJEQT_DONE methods are called.

Small interface

Injeqt exposes only very limited interface to allow internals to change freely while maintaining ABI and API.

Qt relationshipt

Injeqt requires Qt for its reflection capabilities.


Injeqt only recognizes QObject-derived types. That may change when reflection get accepted into one of the next C++ standards.



  • add on-demand and immediate object creation modes


  • more initialization checking (searching factory loops)


  • (maybe) contructor injection
  • (maybe) more dynamic type and dependencies resolutions


Here is example of what can be done using injeqt:

#include <injeqt/injector.h>
#include <injeqt/module.h>

#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

class hello_service : public QObject

	hello_service() {}
	virtual ~hello_service() {}

	std::string say_hello() const
		return {"Hello"};

class world_service : public QObject

	world_service() {}
	virtual ~world_service() {}

	std::string say_world() const
		return {"World"};

class hello_factory : public QObject

	Q_INVOKABLE hello_factory() {}
	virtual ~hello_factory() {}

	Q_INVOKABLE hello_service * create_service()
		return new hello_service{};

class hello_client : public QObject

	Q_INVOKABLE hello_client() : _s{nullptr}, _w{nullptr} {}
	virtual ~hello_client() {}

	std::string say() const
		return _s->say_hello() + " " + _w->say_world() + "!";

private slots:
	INJEQT_INIT void init()
		std::cerr << "all services set" << std::endl;

	INJEQT_DONE void done()
		std::cerr << "ready for destruction" << std::endl;

	INJEQT_SET void set_hello_service(hello_service *s)
		_s = s;

	INJEQT_SET void set_world_service(world_service *w)
		_w = w;

	hello_service *_s;
	world_service *_w;


class module : public injeqt::module
	explicit module()
		_w = std::unique_ptr<world_service>{new world_service{}};

		add_factory<hello_service, hello_factory>();

	virtual ~module() {}

	std::unique_ptr<world_service> _w;


int main()
	auto modules = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<injeqt::module>>{};
	modules.emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<injeqt::module>{new module{}});

	auto injector = injeqt::injector{std::move(modules)};
	auto client = injector.get<hello_client>();
	auto hello = client->say();

	std::cout << hello << std::endl;

#include "hello-world.moc"

In that example we can see two main services names hello_service and world_service. There is also client of these names hello_client. In module class we configure how we create and access these instances.

hello_client is added using add_type function. It means that injeqt will try to create it using default constructor. We provide that by declaration of Q_INVOKABLE hello_client() (Q_INVOKABLE is requires by Qt's meta object system).

hello_service is added using add_factory function. It means that injeqt will first try to create a hello_factory object, then it will look for a method of that objet that returns hello_service object. It will find Q_INVOKABLE hello_service * create_service() and use it.

To be able to create hello_factory injeqt must know about it, so we also add it using add_type method.

Last, world_service, is added as a ready object - provided from outside of injeqt scope.

In main method list of conifguration modules are passwed to newly created injector instance. From that moment, we can use injector to create and manage our services. Just one line below an hello_client instance is required. This is what happens next:

  • injeqt looks for dependencies of hello_client and found that it first needs to create hello_factory
  • injeqt creates hello_factory without problems, as it does not have dependencies of its own
  • injeqt adds new instance to object pool
  • injeqt calls hello_factory::create_service() methods and ads its result to object pool
  • now all dependencies of hello_client are available, so new instance of it is created with default constructor and its added to objec tpool
  • all methods of hello_client marked with INJEQT_SET are called with proper objects from pool
  • all methods of hello_client marked with INJEQT_INIT are called
  • this instance is returned to caller
  • before injector is destructed, all methods of hello_client marked with INJEQT_DONE are called