
Test tools to help quantify the overhead of the Java instrumentation agents.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Performance overhead tests for the Splunk OTel Java Agent

This repository contains documentation, tools, and results concerning the impact on performance of the Splunk distribution of the OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation Agent.


A full dashboard with recent performance overhead data is available at https://signalfx.github.io/splunk-otel-java-overhead-test


Java instrumentation agents are bits of software that run inside the same JVM as user applications. This software, just like any other software, requires resources like CPU, memory, and network in order to function. This use of resources is often referred to as "overhead" or "agent overhead", and it often means different things to different people.

In an ideal scenario, the overhead of an instrumentation agent would be zero (no overhead); however, this is unrealistic. In reality, we find that instrumentation agents are considerably low overhead and that the rich insights gained by observing the application behavior is much more valuable than the resources consumed by the instrumentation.

Due to the extreme complexity of modern software systems and the broad diversity in the deployment landscape, it is effectively impossible to come up with a single "overhead" number. The actual overhead depends on a massive number of variables. When attempting to measure or even discuss overhead, one must take many variables into consideration.

Some variables that can impact overhead are environmental, such as physical machine architecture, CPU frequency, amount and speed of memory, temperature, and generalized resource contention. Environmental factors also include virtualization and containerization, and the multitude of configurations thereof. Other aspects of overhead include the choice of operating system and its libraries, the JVM version (and vendor), and the algorithmic design of the software being monitored, and the dependency graph of all software libraries. Furthermore, the JVM runtime configuration like memory settings and garbage collector type can have a major impact on agent overhead.

Your results will be different from the results contained here, but they are expected to be somewhat similar. The only guaranteed way to know the actual overhead of an instrumentation agent in a given deployment is to conduct experiments and perform measurements.

Testing approach

Given the above, we have designed and built a test suite that quantifies the agent overhead for a typical style of microservice under fixed conditions.

The test environment consists of 4 primary components, all running within docker on EC2:

The microservice application (spring-petclinic-rest) is representative of a real-world microservice.

In order to help minimize the impact that "noisy neighbors" (external components) may have on the agent, the database and collector were placed on their own separate EC2 instance called "externals".

What we measure

Different users may care about different aspects of overhead. Most users are primarily concerned with service latency, but others with computationally intense workloads may care more about CPU overhead. Many users are concerned with memory consumption and its impact on garbage collection characteristics (which can impact CPU and increase latency). Some users deploy frequently (often due to elastic/spiky workloads) and they care about startup time.

We distill these down into these categories of measurement:

  • Startup time
  • CPU
    • average (user)
    • peak (user)
    • average (machine)
    • GC pause time
  • Memory
    • max heap used
    • total allocated
  • Service latency
    • single REST call (avg, p95)
    • test script (avg, p95)
    • throughput (requests per second)
  • Network
    • read throughput (avg)
    • write throughput (avg)

These metrics are captured and aggregated across all test executions, and the results are compared between run configurations.

How we measure

We define 3 run configurations:

  • No instrumentation
  • Splunk OpenTelemetry Java Agent
  • Splunk OpenTelemetry Java Agent with AlwaysOn Profiling enabled

Each test run executes every configuration of the microservice in a fresh JVM.

This sequence is executed 10 times:

  • for each configuration:
    • start postgres and wait for healthy
    • start petclinic and wait for healthy
    • record application start time
    • conduct warmup phase:
      • start warmup JFR recording
      • until 60 seconds has passed:
        • run k6 with 5 users, 25 iterations (generate traffic)
      • stop JFR
    • record test start time
    • start real JFR recording
    • run k6 script
      • 8500 passes, 30 concurrent users, 900RPS max
    • collect results and write to csv

The k6 test script contains 12 REST operations, so after all 10 test runs are complete, each agent has seen more than 1 million REST calls.

Measurements are derived from k6 and from JFR data and aggregated across all 10 runs. The results are saved to a CSV file and the final run is summarized in a txt file.


externals instance:

  • m4.large
  • 2 vCPU
  • 8 GiB memory

testbox instance:

  • m4.xlarge
  • 4 vCPU
  • 16 GiB memory

Both machines are running 64-bit Debian 9 with kernel 4.9 and the latest version of docker-ce.

The petclinic application runs with OpenJDK version 11.0.11 and no additional JVM arguments except “-javaagent” (no heap limits were specified). The G1 Garbage Collector is the default for java 11 and is used across all tests.

Additional Details

  • Most software behaves unexpectedly when resource starved. In order to produce meaningful and consistent results, we have taken care to ensure that the microservice is not starved for resources and has satisfactory CPU and memory headroom to operate normally.

Performing your own tests

We welcome users of the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation to repeat these experiments and to conduct comparable tests with their own services.

Given the complexity in conducting such experiments in cloud-based environments, we offer up the following guidance:

  • To the extent that it is possible, isolate the application under test from other services. This helps to reduce interference and keeps the test results more consistent and easier to reason about.
  • Turn off or remove all unnecessary system services on the application host.
  • Use a warm-up phase prior to starting measurements. The JVM is a highly dynamic machine that performs a large number of optimizations via just-in-time compilation (JIT). The warm-up phase helps the application to finish most of its class loading and gives the JIT compiler time to perform the majority of optimizations. During the warm-up phase, the test runner should provide a standard/typical workload to the application.
  • During the tests, ensure that the application is not resource constrained. It should have enough memory, CPU, and network available to handle the test workload.
  • Be sure to run a large number of requests and to repeat the test pass many times. This helps to ensure a representative data sample.
  • Include error scenarios in your test data. The error rate should be similar to a normal workload, typically in a rate of 2% to 10%.
  • Keep in mind that your results are likely to differ. Every stack, every application, and every environment will have different operational characteristics and thus different overhead measurement results.


The Splunk OpenTelemetry Java Overhead Benchmark tests are released under the terms of the Apache Software License version 2.0. For more details, see the license file.

Copyright 2021 Splunk Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.