
Assignment Title: Full-Stack Developer Challenge Introduction: You are tasked with building a simple task management application. The application will allow users to create, update, and delete tasks. Tasks should have a title, description, and a status (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress," "Done").

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Assignment Title: Full-Stack Developer Challenge Introduction: You are tasked with building a simple task management application. The application will allow users to create, update, and delete tasks. Tasks should have a title, description, and a status (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress," "Done").

Backend Task-API documentation

view it here [https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/12173131/2sA2xh2YEb]

Setting up postgres db


Running the Node+Express Server

cd into task-app-backend and run

npm install
npm run serve

Running the client app

cd into task-app-client and run

npm install 
npm run start