
🖥️ Website for BitCamp 2018

Primary LanguageRuby



  • Make sure you have installed Ruby (2.4.0 or greater) - Install using rvm
  • Make sure you have a functional PostgreSQL installation

Only for the first time

  1. Clone the repo && cd into it
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Run rake db:create
  4. Run rake db:migrate


  • Run rails s from the root project directory to run.


  • Templating engine used is erb ( similar to ejs )

  • Stylesheets use SASS ( backwards compatible with css )

  • Main Application layout is in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

  • Partials (navbar,footer) are located in app/views/shared

  • Views are located in app/views

    • Home Page - Index => app/views/home/index.html.erb
    • Home Page - About => app/views/home/about.html.erb
    • Home Page - Contact => app/views/home/contact.html.erb
    • and so on.
  • Javascripts are located in app/assets/javascripts

    • Everything related to home page (index,contact,about) => app/assets/stylesheets/home.js
  • Stylsheets are located in app/assets/stylesheets

    • Everything related to home page (index, contact, about) => app/assets/stylesheets/home.scss