This is the repo for paper "On the Impact of Noises in Crowd-Sourced Data for Speech Translation" in IWSLT 2022.
This detector is adapted from code in
conda create python=3.8 -n must-c-clean
conda activate must-c-clean
conda install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install -y tqdm pandas
conda install -y spacy -c conda-forge
python -m spacy download en_core_web_trf
pip install editdistance num2words pyyaml
You can run the detection as follows:
python \
--device {cpu/cuda} \
--mustc-root {your must-c root directory} \
--tgt-lang {de/other languages} \
--split {train/dev/tst-COMMON/tst-HE}
The results will be saved in results/{split}
. The tsv file mismatch.tsv
contains the description of the detected audio-transcript mismatch cases. The html file mismatch.html
allows you to listen to the speech and compare it with the given transcript.