
Mermaidjs class diagram arrowhead fill using SED

Mermaid JS Arrowhead Substitution

This is documentation for a simple command which allows for modifying the fill of the arrowheads generated by mermaidjs class diagrams. This allows for quick generation of UML class diagrams programmatically using mermaid whilst allowing to adhere to different diagram styles.





General Workflow

  1. Generate a .svg from mermaid.js, there are a couple easy ways to do this
  2. Run one of the two sed commands below, replacing file.svg with your input file

SED Commands

Modify In Place File

sed -i -r 's/\.(extension|aggregation)\{fill:#([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/\.\1\{fill:#ECECFF/g' file.svg

Export to External File

sed -r 's/\.(extension|aggregation)\{fill:#([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/\.\1\{fill:#ECECFF/g' file.svg > output.svg

Customising Color

The color can be customised by replacing #ECECFF in the regex with any hex color code.