Camaleon CMS Plugin to show Images in Lightbox
- Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'cama_image_lightbox'
- Execute bash
- Go to admin -> plugins -> activate plugin
- Edit any content and use shortcodes like
- Custom content to Image (require camaleon_cms >= 2.4.1):
[lightbox url="http://localhost:3000/media/1/learn_a_programming_language_step_24.jpg"]My Link[/lightbox]
- Imple text to image:
[lightbox url="http://localhost:3000/media/1/learn_a_programming_language_step_24.jpg" title="My Image"]
- Multiple images: Thumbnail is used the thumb generated by camalaeon cms on uploader
[lightbox images="http://localhost:3000/media/1/learn_a_programming_language_step_24.jpg,http://localhost:3000/media/1/learn_a_programming_language_step_24.jpg,http://localhost:3000/media/1/learn_a_programming_language_step_24.jpg"]
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.