Bypass Instagram SSL pinning on Android devices.
Download the latest patched APK:
With this method, you can create your own patched APK.
- Download instagram apk file.
- Install requirements >
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run script >
python -i <input apk> -o <output apk>
- Install output apk file
This method requires frida-tools and also frida-server running in the device
frida -U -l .\instagram-ssl-pinning-bypass.js -f --no-pause
You can use a tool like mitmproxy or Burp Suite to intercept the network.
- Install patched APK in the device
- Install mitmproxy or Burp Suite
- Set up proxy for wifi settings or run:
adb shell settings put global http_proxy <proxy>
Now you should be able to see the network traffic.
To view the logcat run:
adb logcat -s "SSL_PINNING_BYPASS:V"
Add support for armeabi-v7a
and arm64-v8a