New daily trending repos in Lua
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New daily trending repos in Lua!
LazyVim / LazyVim
Neovim config for the lazy
+28 stars today
AstroNvim / AstroNvim
AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
+27 stars today
Bryley / neoai.nvim
Neovim plugin for intracting with GPT models from OpenAI
+14 stars today
nagadomi / waifu2x
Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
+13 stars today
folke / tokyonight.nvim
🏙 A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish.
+12 stars today
Kong / kong
🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
+11 stars today
nvim-tree / nvim-tree.lua
A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua
+10 stars today
jose-elias-alvarez / null-ls.nvim
Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua.
+10 stars today
lukas-reineke / indent-blankline.nvim
Indent guides for Neovim
+9 stars today
beyond-all-reason / Beyond-All-Reason
+7 stars today
Fildo7525 / pretty_hover
+6 stars today
folke / trouble.nvim
🚦 A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.
+3 stars today
renerocksai / telekasten.nvim
A Neovim (lua) plugin for working with a markdown zettelkasten / wiki and mixing it with a journal, based on telescope.nvim
+3 stars today
Wansmer / treesj
Neovim plugin for splitting/joining blocks of code
+2 stars today
folke / neoconf.nvim
💼 Neovim plugin to manage global and project-local settings
+2 stars today
akinsho / git-conflict.nvim
A plugin to visualise and resolve merge conflicts in neovim
+2 stars today
goolord / alpha-nvim
a lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim
+2 stars today
leandromoreira / cdn-up-and-running
CDN Up and Running - Building a CDN from Scratch to Learn about CDN
+1 stars today
folke / noice.nvim
💥 Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.
+1 stars today
FrSkyRC / ETHOS-Feedback-Community
Feedbacks & suggestion are very appreciated on ETHOS of FrSky
+1 stars today
jitsi / docker-jitsi-meet
Jitsi Meet on Docker
games50 / pong
Atari's 1972 classic, implemented in Lua with LÖVE
thatskymod / Sky-CotL-Scripts
A public collection of cheats for Sky: Children of the Light, the latest game by thatgamecompany!
Shazbot / WH3-Dump
Data extracted from Total War: Warhammer 3
Kong / kong-pongo
Tooling to run plugin tests with Kong and Kong Enterprise
New daily trending repos in Lua!
LunarVim / LunarVim
🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
+24 stars today
folke / lazy.nvim
💤 A modern plugin manager for Neovim
+21 stars today
nvim-neorg / neorg
Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
+10 stars today
ThePrimeagen / vim-be-good
vim-be-good is a nvim plugin designed to make you better at Vim Movements.
+6 stars today
L3MON4D3 / LuaSnip
Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua.
+6 stars today
ayamir / nvimdots
A well configured and structured Neovim.
+4 stars today
rcarriga / nvim-notify
A fancy, configurable, notification manager for NeoVim
+4 stars today
windwp / nvim-autopairs
autopairs for neovim written by lua
+4 stars today
folke / neodev.nvim
💻 Neovim setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API.
+3 stars today
epwalsh / obsidian.nvim
Neovim plugin for Obsidian, written in Lua
+3 stars today
apache / apisix
The Cloud-Native API Gateway
+3 stars today
LunarVim / Neovim-from-scratch
📚 A Neovim config designed from scratch to be understandable
+3 stars today
parkervcp / eggs
Service eggs for the pterodactyl panel
+2 stars today
axkirillov / hbac.nvim
Heuristic buffer auto-close
+1 stars today
opentibiabr / canary
Canary Server 12.x for OpenTibia community.
Project-Sloth / ps-liveries
NoPixel Inspired Liveries
nvim-neotest / neotest-plenary
drillygzzly / Roblox-UI-Libs
Sexy ahh UI Libs
New daily trending repos in Lua!
neovim / nvim-lspconfig
Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP
+10 stars today
nvim-telescope / telescope.nvim
Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
+9 stars today
koreader / koreader
An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
+8 stars today
jdhao / nvim-config
A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more...
+5 stars today
hrsh7th / nvim-cmp
A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.
+5 stars today
SpaceVim / SpaceVim
A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc
+5 stars today
LunarVim / nvim-basic-ide
🪨 This is my attempt at a basic stable starting point for a Neovim IDE.
+3 stars today
eggtoopain / Neovim-Configuration-Tutorial
+2 stars today
tarantool / tarantool
Get your data in RAM. Get compute close to data. Enjoy the performance.
+1 stars today
navarasu / onedark.nvim
One dark and light colorscheme for neovim >= 0.5.0 written in lua based on Atom's One Dark and Light theme. Additionally, it comes with 5 color variant styles
+1 stars today
alpha2phi / modern-neovim
Crafting a modernized development environment with Neovim.
+1 stars today
overextended / ox_lib
Modules to utilise in other resources via imports and exports.
iLLeniumStudios / illenium-appearance
fivem-appearance for qb-core and ESX framework, packed with a lot of features
Project-Sloth / ps-camera
Script for capturing images.
New daily trending repos in Lua!
nvim-lua / kickstart.nvim
A launch point for your personal nvim configuration
+9 stars today
ThePrimeagen / init.lua
+9 stars today
lewis6991 / gitsigns.nvim
Git integration for buffers
+7 stars today
folke / which-key.nvim
💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey is a lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that displays a popup with possible keybindings of the command you started typing.
+7 stars today
akinsho / toggleterm.nvim
A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows
+6 stars today
jackMort / ChatGPT.nvim
Neovim plugin for interacting with OpenAI GPT-3 chatbot, providing an easy interface for exploring GPT-3 and NLP.
+5 stars today
jcdickinson / codeium.nvim
A native neovim extension for Codeium
+4 stars today
kiccer / Soldier76
PUBG - 罗技鼠标宏 | 兴趣使然的项目,完虐收费宏!点个Star支持一下作者![PUBG - Logitech mouse macro | Support 12 kinds of guns without recoil!]
PUBG - Logitech Mouse Macros | A project driven by interest, complete abuse of free macros! Click a Star to support the author! [PUBG - Logitech mouse macro | Support 12 kinds of guns without recoil!]
+4 stars today
ibhagwan / fzf-lua
Improved fzf.vim written in lua
+3 stars today
josean-dev / dev-environment-files
+3 stars today
rose-pine / neovim
Soho vibes for Neovim
+2 stars today
pwntester / octo.nvim
Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor
+1 stars today
esx-framework / esx_core
Official Repo For core resources for esx-legacy
+1 stars today
stevearc / oil.nvim
Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer
sindrets / diffview.nvim
Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev.
Eandrju / cellular-automaton.nvim
A useless plugin that might help you cope with stubbornly broken tests or overall lack of sense in life. It lets you execute aesthetically pleasing, cellular automaton animations based on the content of neovim buffer.
New daily trending repos in Lua!
NvChad / NvChad
Blazing fast Neovim framework providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
+32 stars today
ThePrimeagen / harpoon
+12 stars today
williamboman / mason.nvim
Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
+11 stars today
VonHeikemen / lsp-zero.nvim
A starting point to setup some lsp related features in neovim.
+11 stars today
ssnhd / rime
Rime Squirrel 鼠须管配置文件(朙月拼音、小鹤双拼、自然码双拼)
Rime Squirrel configuration file (朙月 Pinyin, Xiaohe Shuangpin, Natural Code Shuangpin)
+8 stars today
mfussenegger / nvim-dap
Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim
+7 stars today
craftzdog / dotfiles-public
My personal dotfiles
+6 stars today
williamboman / mason-lspconfig.nvim
Extension to mason.nvim that makes it easier to use lspconfig with mason.nvim. Strongly recommended for Windows users.
+2 stars today
ac-custom-shaders-patch / acc-lua-internal
Some Lua internals and more built-in scripts for reference
New daily trending repos in Lua!
ecthelionvi / NeoComposer.nvim
Neovim plugin that simplifies macros, enhancing productivity with harmony.
+14 stars today
jay-babu / mason-nvim-dap.nvim
+6 stars today
xmake-io / xmake
🔥 A cross-platform build utility based on Lua
+6 stars today
nvimdev / dashboard-nvim
vim dashboard
+5 stars today
nvim-neo-tree / neo-tree.nvim
Neovim plugin to manage the file system and other tree like structures.
+3 stars today
New daily trending repos in Lua!
ellisonleao / gruvbox.nvim
Lua port of the most famous vim colorscheme
+9 stars today
AckslD / muren.nvim
Multiple replacements in neovim
+7 stars today
junyanz / CycleGAN
Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.
+6 stars today
AlexvZyl / nordic.nvim
🌒 Nord for Neovim, but warmer and darker. Supports a variety of plugins and other platforms.
+6 stars today
EdenEast / nightfox.nvim
🦊A highly customizable theme for vim and neovim with support for lsp, treesitter and a variety of plugins.
+5 stars today
rebelot / kanagawa.nvim
NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
+5 stars today
AstroNvim / astrocommunity
A community repository of common plugin specifications
+5 stars today
nvim-orgmode / orgmode
Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.7+.
+3 stars today
ThePrimeagen / refactoring.nvim
The Refactoring library based off the Refactoring book by Martin Fowler
+3 stars today
Courseplay / Courseplay_FS22
Courseplay for Farming Simulator 2022
New daily trending repos in Lua!
dmmulroy / tsc.nvim
A Neovim plugin for seamless, asynchronous project-wide TypeScript type-checking using the TypeScript compiler (tsc)
+9 stars today
wbthomason / packer.nvim
A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config
+7 stars today
projekt0n / github-nvim-theme
Github's Neovim themes
+4 stars today
nvim-treesitter / nvim-treesitter-context
Show code context
+3 stars today
lite-xl / lite-xl
A lightweight text editor written in Lua
+2 stars today
marko-cerovac / material.nvim
🔱 Material colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins
+1 stars today
qbcore-framework / qb-core
FiveM RP Framework Core 💪
New daily trending repos in Lua!
catppuccin / nvim
🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim
+15 stars today
nvimdev / lspsaga.nvim
improve neovim lsp experience
+3 stars today
ray-x / go.nvim
Modern Go dev plugin, based on gopls, treesitter AST, Dap and a variety of go tools.
+2 stars today
scalameta / nvim-metals
A Metals plugin for Neovim
+1 stars today
xiaorouji / openwrt-passwall2
A V2fly core for Openwrt LuCI Application.
+1 stars today
mfussenegger / nvim-jdtls
Extensions for the built-in LSP support in Neovim for
endeav0r / rainpwn
IRC bot in
New daily trending repos in Lua!
ArchiveTeam / imgur-grab
Archiving imgur.
+8 stars today
nvim-telescope / telescope-file-browser.nvim
File Browser extension for telescope.nvim
+6 stars today
lsyncd / lsyncd
Lsyncd (Live Syncing Daemon) synchronizes local directories with remote targets
+5 stars today
AlexvZyl / .dotfiles
Configuration files/scripts for (Arch) Linux, Neovim and friends.
+5 stars today
simrat39 / symbols-outline.nvim
A tree like view for symbols in Neovim using the Language Server Protocol. Supports all your favourite languages.
+4 stars today
adibhanna / nvim
Neovim config
+3 stars today
nvim-tree / nvim-web-devicons
lua fork
of vim-web-devicons for neovim
+2 stars today
theHamsta / nvim-dap-virtual-text
+1 stars today
New daily trending repos in Lua!
zbirenbaum / copilot-cmp
Lua plugin to turn github copilot into a cmp source
+15 stars today
AstroNvim / user_example
An example user configuration with a split up structure
+2 stars today
nvim-pack / nvim-spectre
Find the enemy and replace them with dark power.
+2 stars today
ntop / ntopng
Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
+1 stars today
heclak / community-a4e-c
The Community Repo for A-4E-C and its Official Submods
+1 stars today
boris1993 / sms_forwarder_air780_esp32
SMS Forwarder built using Hezhou ESP32 and Air780E
echasnovski / mini.indentscope
Neovim Lua plugin to visualize and operate on indent scope. Part of 'mini.nvim' library.
Stephan-S / FS22_AutoDrive
FS22 version of the AutoDrive mod
New daily trending repos in Lua!
zbirenbaum / copilot.lua
Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot
+7 stars today
simrat39 / rust-tools.nvim
Tools for better development in rust using neovim's builtin lsp
+5 stars today
PathOfBuildingCommunity / PathOfBuilding
Offline build planner for Path of Exile.
+2 stars today
overextended / ox_inventory
Slot-based inventory with metadata.
+1 stars today
New daily trending repos in Lua!
nvim-lualine / lualine.nvim
A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
+7 stars today
phaazon / hop.nvim
Neovim motions on speed!
+2 stars today
kylechui / nvim-surround
Add/change/delete surrounding delimiter pairs with ease. Written with ❤️ in Lua.
+2 stars today
New daily trending repos in Lua!
kelly-lin / ranger.nvim
Ranger plugin for neovim
+5 stars today
numToStr / Comment.nvim
🧠 💪 // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more
+3 stars today
awesomeWM / awesome
awesome window manager
+3 stars today
MunifTanjim / nui.nvim
UI Component Library for Neovim.
+1 stars today
rafamadriz / friendly-snippets
Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages.
+1 stars today
New daily trending repos in Lua!
mrthinger / wow-voiceover
Voiceover for World of Warcraft
+10 stars today
Kengxxiao / ArknightsGameData
"Tomorrow's Ark" game data
+5 stars today
WeakAuras / WeakAuras2
World of Warcraft addon that provides a powerful framework to display customizable graphics on your screen.
+1 stars today
rktjmp / lush.nvim
Create Neovim themes with real-time feedback, export anywhere.
New daily trending repos in Lua!
folke / todo-comments.nvim
✅ Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects
+5 stars today
j-hui / fidget.nvim
Standalone UI for nvim-lsp progress
+3 stars today
kahpslock / cfxprofiler
Parses the built in CFX Profiler, and helps server owners find laggy scripts more easily.
+3 stars today
danymat / neogen
A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions.
+2 stars today
rxi / lite
A lightweight text editor written in Lua
+2 stars today
Jaliborc / Bagnon
Single window displays for you items
+1 stars today
m-demare / hlargs.nvim
Highlight arguments' definitions and usages, using Treesitter
+1 stars today
kevinhwang91 / nvim-bqf
Better quickfix window in Neovim, polish old quickfix window.
+1 stars today
chadvandy / cbfm_wh3
Community Bug-Fix Mod for Warhammer III. Please feel free to make pull requests, issues, etc!
tukui-org / ElvUI
User Interface replacement AddOn for World of Warcraft.
Tercioo / Details-Damage-Meter
Addon for World of Warcraft, does combat analyzes offering clean visual data for the player
New daily trending repos in Lua!
onsails / lspkind.nvim
vscode-like pictograms for neovim lsp completion items
+1 stars today
Hekili / hekili
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail)
+1 stars today
knid / nvim
My personal neovim configuration with a beautiful ui powered by many powerful plugins like Telescope, nvim-tree, lspconfig. Completely written in lua.
+1 stars today
cmusatyalab / openface
Face recognition with deep neural networks.
aserowy / tmux.nvim
tmux integration for nvim features pane movement and resizing from within nvim.
New daily trending repos in Lua!
linkease / istore
一个 Openwrt 标准的软件中心,纯脚本实现,只依赖Openwrt标准组件。支持其它固件开发者集成到自己的固件里面。更方便入门用户搜索安装插件。The iStore is a app store for OpenWRT
An Openwrt standard software center, implemented by pure scripts, only depends on Openwrt standard components. Support other firmware developers to integrate into their own firmware. It is more convenient for novice users to search and install plug-ins. The iStore is an app store for OpenWRT
+3 stars today
jevajs / Jeva
A monorepo for code used in videos/tutorials for Jeva. Created and maintained by @ThatZiv
+1 stars today
qbcore-framework / qb-adminmenu
Admin Menu Using MenuV
qbcore-framework / qb-weapons
Weapon Logic Script For QB-Core 🔫
New daily trending repos in Lua!
echasnovski / mini.nvim
Library of 25+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.7 and higher) experience with minimal effort
+6 stars today
rcarriga / nvim-dap-ui
A UI for nvim-dap
+1 stars today
New daily trending repos in Lua!
phillipi / pix2pix
Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets
+7 stars today
skywind3000 / z.lua
⚡ A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits.
+1 stars today
New daily trending repos in Lua!
huggingface / hfcc.nvim
Hugging Face Code Completion for neovim
+14 stars today
mhartington / formatter.nvim
+1 stars today
Aegonian / ElithianAllianceStarboundMod
The official GitHub repository for the Elithian Races Starbound Mod
Fiurs-Hearth / WIIIUI
A Warcraft III UI addon for vanilla WoW
New daily trending repos in Lua!
nvim-lua / plenary.nvim
plenary: full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. All the lua functions I don't want to write twice.
+4 stars today
norcalli / nvim-colorizer.lua
The fastest Neovim colorizer.
+2 stars today
New daily trending repos in Lua!
Facepunch / garrysmod
Sandbox mod for the Source Engine
New daily trending repos in Lua!
AckslD / nvim-neoclip.lua
Clipboard manager neovim plugin with telescope integration
+6 stars today
ecosse3 / nvim
A non-minimal Neovim config built to work most efficiently with Frontend Development - React & Vue.js
+3 stars today
xAranaktu / FIFA-23-Live-Editor
FIFA 23 Live Editor
+1 stars today
TimothyLuke / GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler
GSE is an alternative advanced macro editor and engine for World of Warcraft. It uses Travis for UnitTests, Coveralls to report on test coverage and the Curse packager to build and publish GSE.
+1 stars today
Windower / Lua
Lua Addons and Scripts
+1 stars today
alphazolam / EMV-Engine
Collection of my REFramework Lua scripts for use in RE Engine Games
New daily trending repos in Lua!
aaditeynair / conduct.nvim
A project management plugin for Neovim
+2 stars today
ChristianChiarulli / onedark.nvim
My take on the iconic Onedark colorscheme
+2 stars today
Theo-Steiner / togglescope
+2 stars today
citizenlab / chat-censorship
Data related to the investigation of realtime censorship
New daily trending repos in Lua!
ChristianChiarulli / bookmark.nvim
Bookmark and jump between lines in the current file
+5 stars today
NvChad / ui
Lightweight & high performance UI plugin for nvchad
+2 stars today
xAranaktu / FIFA-23-CM-Cheat-Table
FIFA 23 Career Mode Cheat Table
+1 stars today