Automation to setup a performance test cluster on AWS with:
- Couchbase Server nodes
- Sync Gateway nodes
- Gateload and/or Gatling nodes
Uses a Cloudformation template to spin up all instances.
Python Dependencies
$ pip install ansible
$ pip install boto
$ pip install troposphere
$ pip install awscli
Alternatively, you can use the Docker image which has all the pre-requisites pre-installed.
Add boto configuration
$ cat >> ~/.boto
aws_access_key_id = CDABGHEFCDABGHEFCDAB
(and replace fake credentials above with your real credentials)
Add AWS env variables
This uses troposphere to generate the Cloudformation template (a json file).
The Cloudformation config is declared via a Python DSL, which then generates the Cloudformation Json.
Generate template after changes to the python file:
$ python > cloudformation_template.json
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name CouchbasePerfCluster --region us-east-1 \
--template-body "file://cloudformation_template.json" \
--parameters "ParameterKey=KeyName,ParameterValue=<your_keypair_name>"
Alternatively, it can be kicked off via the AWS web UI with the restriction that the AWS cloudformation_template.json file must be uploaded to S3.
cd ansible/playbooks
export KEYNAME=key_yourkeyname
- Run command
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME install-go.yml && \
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME install-couchbase-server-3.1.0.yml && \
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME build-sync-gateway.yml && \
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME build-gateload.yml && \
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME install-sync-gateway-service.yml && \
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME install-splunkforwarder.yml
To use a different Sync Gateway branch:
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME build-sync-gateway.yml
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME build-sync-gateway.yml --extra-vars "branch=feature/distributed_cache_stale_ok"
If you are testing the Sync Gateway distributed cache branch, one extra step is needed:
ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME configure-sync-gateway-writer.yml
$ cd ../..
$ python # generates and uploads gateload configs with correct SG IP / user offset
$ cd ansible/playbooks
$ ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME start-gateload.yml
$ ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME configure-gatling.yml
$ ansible-playbook -l $KEYNAME run-gatling-theme.yml
Sync Gateway expvars on $HOST:4985/_expvar
Gateload expvars $HOST:9876/debug/var
Gateload expvar snapshots
ssh into gateload, and
ls expvar*
to see snapshots -
ssh into gateload, and run
screen -r gateload
to view gateload logs
To view all couchbase servers:
$ ansible tag_Type_couchbaseserver --list-hosts
The same can be done for Sync Gateways and Gateload instances. Here are the full list of tag filters:
- tag_Type_couchbaseserver
- tag_Type_syncgateway
- tag_Type_gateload
while [ 1 ]
outfile=$(date +%s)
curl localhost:9876/debug/vars -o ${outfile}.json
echo "Saved output to $outfile"
sleep 60
First, you will need to Install Splunk on a server somewhere.
Note: The data collected by the unix app is by default placed into a separate index called ‘os’ so it will not be searchable within splunk unless you either go through the UNIX app, or include the following in your search query: “index=os” or “index=os OR index=main” (don’t paste doublequotes)