
A standalone executable compiler for Moonscript. And much more. Moonscript++

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Moonscript++ >||< Lynxish Assembler

Version 1.0.4 Compiles Moonscript into binary executables, to distrobute to large groups of machines. Increases security, performance, and compatibility.


Visual Studio Code Moonscript SYNTAX highlighing is here. Update, is on the way.

  1. Has new compiler made by me, compiles, and embeddes bytecode EVERY time.

Still has option for compiliation through Luastatic by ers35

  1. New lighterweight and easier to edit make system. With custom .mnmake script system based on 'Makefile' syntax.





  • Removed all .netcore dependencies.
  • Updated system, relies on itself.
  • Easier to use

Whats New

  • Single binary, currently compiled for x64_86 PC's
  • Simple to compile yourself, in a single step. Explained in section Compiling
  • More stable, and functional. Now when autodetecting moonscript in directory, it will automatically include all .lua files not specified as the main file. Also, if no main file is specified, all files will be compiled, excluding themselves as modules but including all other .lua files in directory as modules
  • Has a cleaner function, for usage see How to use. This basically cleans up and formats your directory for development/release


Installing | Installer comming within next couple days

mkdir ~/moonplusplus

cd ~/moonplusplus

git clone https://github.com/owenkimbrell/Moonscriptxx

cd Moonscriptxx

cd mnxx

cd ll_53_standard

cd src

make && cd ~/moonplusplus/Moonscriptxx

mkdir /usr/local/lib/moonxxx && cp mnxx /usr/local/lib/moonxxx

cd moonscriptxx/Release

NOW, if you have a intel/amd supporting amd64 architecture(most people) you can simply

cp moonxx /usr/local/bin && cp ansicolors.lua /usr/local/bin && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/moonxx


IF YOU WANT TO COMPILE IT YOURSELF, first do all the above steps execept the copying into your /usr/local/bin

moon moonxx.moon

This will run the same program in moonscript instead of a binary, which will compile itself, and link it to ansicolors.lua It also will replace the default moonxx binary, then follow the same steps for copying and allowing execution privilage

cp moonxx /usr/local/bin && cp ansicolors.lua /usr/local/bin && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/moonxx

How to use

  • moonxx | Running this in a terminal will compile all .moon files in directory, on each compiliation it will link it with all .lua or .moon files found in directory EXECPT itself.

  • moonxx clean remove | Will delete noise files generated on compiliation

  • moonxx clean move | Will make a src directory and copy the output .lua and .lua.c files into the src directory


  1. If using modules, its ok to delete the .lua.c. As well as the .lua of the main targeted executable. However, the .lua file of the referenced module needs to remain in the structure its required in the .moon file.
  2. Structure as of now, is the same as .moon. ALL FUNCTIONS WORK. In fact, no errors come of coding unless you coded it wrong. No special format is required. Simply run moonxx in the directory

Big thanks to luastatic(ers35) and Moonscript(Leafo) Happy coding. Many more features on the way within days. Spread the word, maybe click on the star and watch buttons in the top right corner. Thanks