
A serverless project to regularly check the soonest appointment time for Global Entry using AWS SAM.

Primary LanguagePython

Global Entry Checker

A serverless project to regularly check the soonest appointment time for Global Entry using AWS SAM.


Set up a Python environment:

You can use either conda or pyenv to set up a Python environment that will allow SAM to find the requisite version of Python for the lambda runtime (3.9).


conda create --name global-entry python=3.9 --channel conda-forge --channel defaults


sam build
sam deploy --guided

The SAM template has a number of parameters. These include:

  • The project name
  • A comma separated list of Global Entry location IDs to query.
  • An email address to which the SNS topic will send notifications.

After running sam deploy --guided for the first time, the values entered will be saved in sam-app/samconfig.toml. These values will ensure future invocations find these values.

Note - the SNS subscription confirmation email may be identified as span by an email client.

Determining location IDs for specific locations:

  • Navigate to the Global Entry appointment schedule page.
  • Determine a location that you want to get updates about.
  • Open the Chrome developer tools (or equivalent) and open the Network tab.
  • Click on your location of interest.
  • Find the new request to the schedulerapi/slots endpoint. The payload of this request will include a locationId.


  • Tests