
Task manager, using appBase from pwm

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

tasklist Task Manager

also known as: Task Master

© Copyright Owen Maule 2015 <o@owen-m.com>
License: GNU Affero General Public License

A simple web application to manage tasks, written in PHP.
Initially developed as a competency test for a job application in mid May 2015.

#How to install

  1. Set up a MySQL database and access credentials. Know the database name, and username and password of the database account to access it. You may use something like phpMyAdmin to set this up. If you are not sure how to set up a database, perhaps you can ask your server administrator or hosting support. If you wish to minimise set up, the default username and database name are both "tasklist". You may configure the tables used, in which case, if you are sharing a database, check that the tables names don't clash.
  2. Copy the files to your webserver to an appropriate path which can be accessed from the web. If this is your only site this may be within /var/www - or if you have multiple websites, you may need to look at your hosting panel to find the DocumentRoot path for the domain you wish to use. You may use this software within a subdirectory of your domain.
  3. Modify config.php with your database name, username and password, and tables names. If both tables are in the same database, make sure the database is set in dbname in 'dsn' and set just the table names, e.g. db_tables[ 'auth' ] to `auth` and db_tables[ 'tasks' ] to `tasks`. If the tables are in different databases, you will need to attach the database prefixes, e.g. `fred_tasklist`.`auth`, to the table names accordingly. The table names in the config file require the `` quotes for religious reasons.

	'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;charset=utf8;dbname=tasklist',
	'db_user' => 'tasklist',
	'db_password' => 'YOUR_PASSWORD',
	'db_tables' => array (
		'auth' => array( 'name' => '\`users\`',
			'schema' => '' ), # Use default schema
		'tasks' => array( 'name' => '\`tasks\`',
			'schema' => '' ), # Use default schema

I suggest you keep the charset=utf8 on the DSN as this can avoid some quirks that SQL Injection exploits take advantage of. 4. Specify 'admin_email' - your email for 'from' address on password reset emails,
and 'app_location' - the web address of the app, used to correct links when in a 'subdirectory' as part of the URL scheme, and to construct the link in the password reset emails. You will wish to make the 'app_location' https, if it is set up and working on your installation (see step 7), also don't forget the trailing slash.

	'admin_email' => 'YOU@YOUR_DOMAIN.TLD',
	'app_location' => 'http://YOUR_DOMAIN.TLD/PATH_TO_TASKLIST/',
  1. Open the web application within your browser, by navigating to the path where you have copied the files.
  2. If there are any issues to resolve, you should be guided by the error messages displayed. A lot of additional information is given by enabling 'debug_messages' in config.php, these are mostly useful to someone who understands PHP, but can be extremely helpful in investigating any problems with the install or functioning of the software.

	'debug_messages' => true,

It is possible to route the debug messages to the browser console, with a special value of 'debug_messages'. Don't forget to disable this again when you finish debugging.

	'debug_messages' => 'console',

Please try to solve issues yourself by searching online or asking a friend or colleague, however if you are really stuck you may email me at o@owen-m.com and I will try to offer timely support (no promises). 7. There are three more config.php values that may help in debugging.

	'debug_layout' => false,		# Applies CSS rules to observe the page layout elements
	'disable_javascript' => false,	# Runs the site in non-Javascript mode to test graceful degradation ( e.g. NoScript )

Debug layout mode, in as much as it depends on the the CSS file for the site/theme, is still undergoing development. 8. If you have HTTPS support, first test that it's working by using the application with https:// in the URL. If that's working, you can enable 'enforce_https' in config.php which will give you much needed over-the-wire security for your users' precious password data.

	'enforce_https' => true,

You can also achieve or reinforce this by uncommenting the lines in .htaccess

	RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
  1. You may wish to tweak the template/theme in file 'template.php'. Please remember to show the copyright notice, licence and GitHub link. You may move them to an 'about' page for example, they don't have to be in the footer. If you modify the code, make sure you include your contact details so your users and myself can contact you to request the source code. Thanks for playing fair and sharing back your changes with the community.
  2. Experts only: If you are going to tweak the encryption settings 'salt_length' and/or 'hash_algo', I suggest you do it before registering accounts, otherwise the passwords will need to be reset. Make sure to also increase the length of the 'user_password' field in the authentication database schema, to accommodate added salt. It will require 2 extra characters per increment of 'salt_length' (bytes), as the salt is stored in hexidecimal. Likewise the length of 'user_password' will need to be adjusted in accordance with a change to 'hash_algo', as passed to the PHP hash() function.

#How to use - Authentication

  1. Choose a secure but memorable Master Password for your account. Don't forget this password! The idea is that you can forget the other ones once you have inputted them, as you can easily look them up again.
  2. Register an account by filling in your email address and password and pressing [Register].
  3. Later when you come back, login again by filling in the same email address and password that you registered with and pressing [Login].
  4. If you have forgotten your password, enter your email address and press the [Reset] button. An email will be sent to this address with a link. You must open this email and click the link. The link can only be used for a limited time, depending on configuration of the app - at minimum 10 minutes, but 1 hour is the default. Once you open the link you can type your new password and press [Reset]. This will set your password accordingly and log you in.

#How to use - Once logged in

  1. The menu links near the top are to [Change password] and [Logout]. When you click [Change Password] you will be able to type in a new password and press [Change] to set it. If you change your mind you can press [Cancel] to leave your password as it was.
  2. Usually when logged in, you are on the entry screen. The list box shows the labels for your entries. To create your first entry, fill in the form with label, username, password, URL and notes and press [Create]. The label is the only mandatory field. URLs are validated and corrected.
  3. You may select an entry in the list by clicking it and pressing [Select]. In Javascript enabled browsers, the [Select] button is hidden and entries are viewed simply by clicking in the list.
  4. If you are viewing an entry and change the details, press [Edit] to submit them.
  5. When viewing an entry and you wish to create a new one, press [New] to prepare the entry form. You may then fill in the fields as a new entry and press [Create] as in step 2.
  6. When viewing an entry you may press [Delete] to immediately delete the entry. In Javascript enabled browsers, you will be prompted to confirm this action.
  7. When you have many entries, you will find the search feature useful. Type something from the entries you desire into the search box and press [Search]. This will restrict the entries in the list to the matching ones. It searches against all the fields. To show your complete, unrestricted list of entries again, press the [X] button next to the [Search] button. Searching is another area that will be enhanced with Javascript in the near future.

#Project Roadmap This is primarily kept in the header of tasklist.php - I will try to keep this README in sync with that.

##To do Tab-order Encrypt entry data by login password Refactor into class hierarchy: appBase <- authentication <- passwordManager Missing functionality: email field, password confirmation, password generation, password security analysis, limit failed logins, change email address, import/export, browser integration ( plugin to auto-capture credentials ) Back-end support: FULLTEXT, SQLlite Internationalisation

##Template ( default theme ) to do Bug: Glitch in transition between highest width mode and middle one Front-end Javascript enhancements CSS improvements ( see tasklist.css ) Continue searching for the owner of the image and check permission. ( I expect it's okay, it's Tux and GPL software. )

#Personal message from the author

I hope you find this software useful. I have certainly enjoyed creating it.
Best wishes, Owen Maule