Mutual Exclusivity Training and Primitive Augmentation to Induce Compositionality

This repository contains the official code for the paper:

Mutual Exclusivity Training and Primitive Augmentation to Induce Compositionality

Yichen Jiang*, Xiang Zhou* and Mohit Bansal

EMNLP 2022


The code is tested on Python 3.7.9 and PyTorch 1.8.1.

Other dependencies are listed in requirements.txt and can be installed by running pip install -r requirements.txt

This repository uses wandb for logging experiments. So before running your experiments, you need to log in you wandb account.

Datasets and Preprocessing

The preprocessed datasets and resources used in our experiments can be downloaded at here.

The instructions below are used to create our datasets:

  1. Get the SCAN dataset from here with the MCD splits. Get the COGS dataset from here. Put the two folders under the root directory of this repository.
  2. Prepare the validation dataset by run python --exp_type [exp_type]. Here [exp_type] is the name of the dataset (or split in the SCAN dataset). Please refer to the code for details.
  3. For MET related experiments, we need to pre-cluster the words in the datasets. The precomputed files can be downloaded along with the preprocessed dataset at here. We have also included the script for reproducing the clustering on COGS at substitutors/

prim2primX Data Augmentation

See the prim2primX folder for detailed instruction on how to run the data augmentation. Once you have the augmented data, simply set:

  • --special_train_data=train_primx2 for SCAN addprim_jump;
  • --special_train_data=train_primx2s2 for COGS.


We provide scripts to run experiments on both the SCAN and the COGS dataset. The corresponding scripts are under scripts/SCAN and scripts/COGS

Under each directory, we provide the following scripts:


The first part of the file name (LSTM or transformer) denotes the baseline architecture.

The second part of the name denotes the method type. baseline stands for baselines, met stands for MET experiments. prim2primx stands for prim2primX data augmentation experiments, and metprim stands for the combination of MET and prim2primX.

Before running the experiments, you need to set the home variable and the savefolder variable in these scripts. Then, to run the experiments, simply execute the corresponding scripts bash scripts/COGS/


We also include scripts for several ablations in our paper.

  1. For the MET-meta variant of our model, an example script is provided at COGS/ The same change can also be applied to other scripts to get this variant for other datasets. Additionally, the experiment in Table 11 can be reproduced by replacing --meta_loss_type unlikelihood with --meta_loss_type unlikelihood2 (Avg-Word Unlike) and --meta_loss_type unlikelihood3 (Min-Word Unlike) respectively.
  2. For the synthetic experiment used in Appendix C.1, the scripts are in scripts/toy, and the data can be downloaded at [here](some link).


The code in this repository is based on


  title={Mutual Exclusivity Training and Primitive Augmentation to Induce Compositionality},
  author={Yichen Jiang and Xiang Zhou and Mohit Bansal},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},