• public/
    • favicon.ico
    • index.html
  • src/
  • components/
    • Header/
      • Header.tsx
      • Header.module.css
    • Footer/
      • Footer.tsx
      • Footer.module.css
  • common/
    • types/
      • User.ts
      • Idea.ts
      • Jargon.ts
      • Goal.ts
      • Task.ts
      • Notification.ts
      • Objection.ts
      • Trend.ts
      • Advertisement.ts
      • Image.ts
      • Entry.ts
      • Ask.ts
    • constants/
      • routes.ts
      • apiEndpoints.ts
  • pages/
    • _app.tsx
    • _document.tsx
    • index.tsx
    • about.tsx
    • contact.tsx
    • login.tsx
    • dashboard/
      • index.tsx
      • analytics.tsx
      • settings.tsx
      • ...
  • util/
    • firebase.ts
    • api.ts
    • auth.ts
    • utils.ts

Project Name A brief description of what the project does.

Architecture Describe the overall architecture of the project, including:

The high-level components and how they interact with each other Any third-party services or APIs that the project relies on The data storage solution (e.g. Firestore, Realtime Database) Any other relevant details about the architecture Getting Started Include instructions on how to get the project up and running locally, including:

Any prerequisites (e.g. Node.js, Firebase CLI) How to install and configure the project How to run the project locally Deployment Include instructions on how to deploy the project to a production environment, including:

Any necessary build steps (e.g. compiling TypeScript) How to deploy to Firebase hosting How to set up environment variables Contributing Include guidelines for contributing to the project, including:

How to set up the development environment Coding standards and conventions How to submit a pull request License Include the license that the project is released under.

Contact Include contact information for the maintainers of the project.