Reunion Backend

Render Backend Deployed Link

🔗 Backend Deployed

Tech Stacks & Packages


  • Node Js
  • Express Js
  • Mongoose
  • Mongo DB
  • CORS
  • JWT (Json Web Token)
  • Bcrypt
  • Nodemon
  • Render Deployment


- POST /api/authenticate should perform user authentication and return a JWT token.
- POST /api/follow/:id authenticated user would follow user with {id}.
- POST /api/unfollow/:id authenticated user would unfollow a user with {id}.
- GET /api/user should authenticate the request and return the respective user profile.
- POST api/posts/ would add a new post created by the authenticated user.
- DELETE api/posts/:id would delete post with {id} created by the authenticated user.
- POST /api/like/:id would like the post with {id} by the authenticated user.
- POST /api/unlike/:id would unlike the post with {id} by the authenticated user.
- POST /api/comment/:id add comment for post with {id} by the authenticated user.
- GET api/posts/:id would return a single post with {id} populated with its number of likes and comments.
- GET /api/all_posts would return all posts created by authenticated user sorted by post time.

Run Locally

Clone the Project

Install Dependencies

npm install

Run App

npm run start

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