
Ruleset for PHPCodesniffer to use with SilverStripe

Primary LanguagePHP

SilverStripe Codesniffer ruleset

This is a proposed ruleset for SilverStripe projects.

It tries to follow the official guidelines from http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/trunk/misc/coding-conventions.

This relies on the PHPCodesniffer being installed

General Installation

  1. First install PHPCodesniffer, check for it's existens via:

    phpcs --version

If it's not installed, the easiest way to install is via PEAR. Instructions here: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer/download

  1. Checkout this project somewhere on your hardrive

    git clone git://github.com/stojg/silverstripe-codesniffer.git SilverStripe

NOTE: It is critical that the base directory for this standard is named "SilverStripe", otherwise the PHPCodesniffer autoloader will fail.

Running the codesniffer

phpcs --standard=silverstripe-codesniffer/ --tab-width=4  path/to/your/code

NOTE: Beware, running this on a whole silverstripe installation takes to long to be worth it. Use it on your mysite module or target specific directories.

Install for Mac OS X

After you have installed PHP Codesniffer via pear, you should have a pear folder in your home directory, example:


git clone this repository into the PHP Codesniffer standards directory:

 git clone git://github.com/stojg/silverstripe-codesniffer.git /Users/slindqvist/pear/share/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards/SilverStripe

If you are primary developing SilverStripe projects, you can set a couple of PHP CS settings as default:

 phpcs --config-set default_standard SilverStripe
 phpcs --config-set report_width 120
 phpcs --config-set encoding utf-8

With this setup you only need run phpcs like this:

 phpcs cms


Feel free to help me clear up the ruleset and remove / add missing rules and sniffs. Best way is to see what can be used is to read the sourcecode of the PHPCodesniffer.