take control of your gifs. demo
- a node module that helps you create a single multi-frame png from an animated gif
- a jQuery pluggin that animates your png as a visitor scrolls the page
depends on imagemagick
npm install gifotrope
node node_modules/gifotrope/cli.js [path to gif or directory containing gifs]
- include jquery and gifotrope.js on your page
The crucial thing that gifotrope needs to know is how many frames your original gif had. If you used the included node module to create the image it will
use a naming convention like image-{# of frames}.png. gifotrope.js will look for the dash and digits at the end of the file name to determine the # of frames. If you don't want to use this naming convention you can also pass { frames : ??? }
into the pluggin when you call it. Additionally you can include a data attribute data-frames="??"
in the first DOM element that you'll be gifotropofying
see examples in site/index.html