
Analysis of Diabetes and Oxygen Saturation Data (Blood Pressure)

Diabetes Data Analysis

  • Identified key factors for diabetes (Glucose, BMI, Age) through correlation analysis and linear regression.
  • Built a logistic regression model to predict diabetes with these factors.
  • Evaluated model performance using cross-validation and explored alternative models (KNN).

Oxygen Saturation Data Analysis

  • Explored the oxygen saturation data distribution.
  • Estimated data spread (total deviance) and bias using bootstrap methods.
  • Compared methods for estimating a data property (potentially variance) and found agreement.

Used Packages

  • psych
  • dplyr
  • ggplot2
  • ggcorrplot
  • MASS
  • pROC
  • caret
  • e1071
  • janitor
  • boot

Performed Analysis

  • Correlation analysis
  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Cross-validation
  • KNN
  • Bootstrap analysis