- 0
- 3
In toy owl file with subclass(B,A), reasoner infers Equivalent(Nothing, Thing)
#24 opened by iamcrowd - 0
- 3
Performance problem on getObjectPropertyValues
#14 opened by fatto90 - 1
NoClassDefFoundError for v 5.0.1
#20 opened by visraj1 - 6
- 7
- 27
Cannot be serialized
#12 opened by cbobed - 1
Equivalent classes not correctly inferred
#16 opened by matentzn - 7
Version for Protege 5.2.0?
#18 opened by msinclair2 - 1
check stackoverflow issue
#17 opened by ignazio1977 - 0
Get Datatype Range of Data Property
#15 opened by paulrinckens - 1
- 3
- 5
- 0
- 7
- 3
.dispose throws NPE
#11 opened by phillord - 1
SWRL support on DataProperty Assertions
#7 opened by charbelka - 8
Invalid role expression
#5 opened by alanruttenberg - 7
Unexpected number format exception on checking ontology consistency in owlapi-jfact 4.0.0
#3 opened by rchallen - 1
adding individuals causes crash
#2 opened by ignazio1977 - 0
Add ByteBuffer based serialization
#1 opened by ignazio1977