- 0
add button
#59 opened by 4j1nky4 - 0
- 0
- 0
Pie chart not at center
#64 opened by rajdhakate - 5
Chart not updating when changing models property
#30 opened by tfsjohan - 3
Labels overlapping
#61 opened by ergunkocak - 0
Adding Drop Shadow to PieChart
#60 opened by PrinceCarter - 0
Placing piechart in a table view cell
#54 opened by omsi96 - 3
- 0
- 0
- 2
static slices
#56 opened by yaman1987 - 0
slices not moving
#55 opened by yaman1987 - 0
- 2
Deselecting slices upon selecting new slice
#40 opened by Brandon-316 - 1
- 1
SnapKit related issue
#49 opened by nitrodamsel - 3
- 2
Disable selection
#43 opened by AltiAntonov - 1
- 0
IBDesignable Error
#46 opened by jimijon - 3
Updating slices
#20 opened by liamwm - 2
Carthage Support
#27 opened by Kautenja - 5
Swift 4 Support
#41 opened by jimijon - 4
Updating pie chart when data changed
#28 opened by karzler - 0
- 5
#23 opened by FouadAstitou - 0
- 0
PieChart view is not getting updated.
#39 opened by bibinjacobpulickal - 1
How to set the text of a PiePlainTextLayer
#36 opened by zas9vf - 1
- 0
Text is not shown when slice is too small
#35 opened by nets-rac - 3
A proper way to get the slices
#31 opened by jrafaelm - 4
Dynamically insert PieCustomViewsLayer?
#18 opened by utsengar - 0
- 2
multi-line labels
#16 opened by rahulbbit - 4
If i have already created the charts in a collectionview can i call it to reanimate?
#21 opened by HexBlit - 0
how i can make center empty space smaller
#29 opened by farfary - 0
Slices not going out so far?
#25 opened by yash-narayan - 1
- 2
If I'm not using Storyboard, what's the approach?
#19 opened by edurd - 0
Question about text?
#22 opened by FouadAstitou - 3
Bouce when chart first animates
#17 opened by wfgilman - 6
Cant add data to piechart properly
#15 opened by rahulbbit - 2
- 1
- 4
Rotating the pie chart
#11 opened by Brandon-316 - 7
Personalizate DoughnutDemo
#7 opened by GianlucaP17 - 2
Animation duration to 0, Infos are not displayed
#10 opened by Aximem - 1