
fork from https://github.com/RussellLuo/caddy-ext

Primary LanguageGo


A Caddy v2 extension to apply rate-limiting for HTTP requests.


$ xcaddy build --with github.com/owlwang/caddy-ratelimit

Caddyfile Syntax

rate_limit [<matcher>] <key> <rate> [<zone_size> [<reject_status>]]


  • <key>: The variable used to differentiate one client from another. Currently supported variables (Caddy shorthand placeholders):
    • {path.<var>}
    • {query.<var>}
    • {header.<VAR>}
    • {cookie.<var>}
    • {body.<var>} (requires the requestbodyvar extension)
    • {remote.host} (ignores the X-Forwarded-For header)
    • {remote.port}
    • {remote.ip} (prefers the first IP in the X-Forwarded-For header)
    • {remote.host_prefix.<bits>} (CIDR block version of {remote.host})
    • {remote.ip_prefix.<bits>} (CIDR block version of {remote.ip})
  • <rate>: The request rate limit (per key value) specified in requests per second (r/s) or requests per minute (r/m).
  • <zone_size>: The size (i.e. the number of key values) of the LRU zone that keeps states of these key values. Defaults to 10,000.
  • <reject_status>: The HTTP status code of the response when a client exceeds the rate limit. Defaults to 429 (Too Many Requests).


With the following Caddyfile:

localhost:8080 {
    route /foo {
        rate_limit {query.id} 2r/m

        respond 200

You can apply the rate of 2 requests per minute to the path /foo, and Caddy will respond with status code 429 when a client exceeds:

$ curl -w "%{http_code}" 'https://localhost:8080/foo?id=1'
$ curl -w "%{http_code}" 'https://localhost:8080/foo?id=1'
$ curl -w "%{http_code}" 'https://localhost:8080/foo?id=1'

An extra request with other value for the request parameter id will not be limited:

$ curl -w "%{http_code}" 'https://localhost:8080/foo?id=2'