Firebase Authentication with React Native
This is a demo project with use of React Native to Authenticate Firebase User with different methods provided by Firebase.
This project was built using React Native Firebase.
- To run the project
npm install
npx pod-install
- Create a Firebase project
- Add config object from Firebase Webapp in to /src/setup/firebase/FirebaseConfig.js
var config = {
apiKey: '',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
projectId: '',
storageBucket: '',
messagingSenderId: ''
- Enable email and password authentication on Firebase.
Create facebook app using facebook developer account.
Add android and ios platform on Facebook app.
Enable facebook authentication and set facebook app id and secrete key on Firebase.
Create Android and ios platform from Firebase project setting.
Download google-service.json and googleService-info.plist file and add both file project root folder.
Enable google authentication on Firebase.
- Enable phone number authentication on Firebase.
- Enable apple authentication on Firebase.
For setup on ios follow IOS Guide
For setup on android follow Android Guide
- Add Authentication with Email and Password
- Add Authentication with Facebook
- Add Authentication with Google
- Add Authentication with Phone number
- Add Authentication with Apple
- Add Authentication with Twitter