
Slack bot that adds custom emojis to your team; *inline in Slack*. No more putzing around in your web browser.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Slack Emojibot 💩🤖🌈💨

This is a bot that adds custom emojis to your slack team; inline in Slack. 🤔👌 No more putzing around in your web browser. 💃🎉

Supports all of the below via slack. 👇

  1. Searching google images. 📷
  2. Uploading images to slack's (IMHO hard to find) emoji admin. 🚀

Help Menu


  1. Clone the repo, git clone https://github.com/owocki/emojibot.git
  2. cd into the repo dir, cd emojibot
  3. (optional) If you use virtualenv, then make a virtualenv.
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run cp slackbot_settings.py.dist slackbot_settings.py
  6. Edit your slackbot_settings.py. Follow instructions in that file for getting the required slack config values.
  7. Run setup.sh
  8. Run the bot! python run.py
python run.py


I run my jobs on Ubuntu. This may help you if you do too:

apt-get install libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python-tk
apt-get install libxslt1-dev libxml2

Optional Config

You can further customize your results in slackbot_settings.py with the following options:

## number of images to return per image search performed
## (useful if your emojibot is clogging up a channel with images)
num_image_results = 5
## append the following terms to searches.  e,g: if user inputs '@emojibot find cop', then a search for 'cop', 'cop emoji', 'cop cartoon' will be performed
## (ALSO useful if your emojibot is clogging up a channel with images)
append_search_terms = ['', 'emoji', 'cartoon']


Tweet the author at @owocki