
[v116] Dump of TERA's icons for anyone who might want them.

TERA Icon Dump

Up to date with the final version of TERA (v116), which did not add new icons. The v115 download has every icon as of TERA's final patch.

This repository contains a dump of TERA's icons in a .PNG format. You can get icon dumps from v107+ from the releases tab in a .ZIP archive. You can alternatively just download the repository's code from the top right on Desktop (code -> download zip) for the current dump.


Q. Since TERA is shutting down, what will happen to this repository?

A. Those who play TERA are well aware of its shutdown on June 30th, 2022. I'm going to leave this repository up indefinitely, but it will be archived after that date. You'll still be able to download the repo the same way as always, but it'll be marked as read only to signify its status. The last update to TERA was on June 16th, 2022, and it didn't add any new icons. That said, the v115 dump is still the most up to date icons for TERA as of its closure.

Q. Will you support private servers?

A. It's unlikely that many of them will bother with custom icons but the answer is no, even if they do. The goal of this repo was to host the official files, starting from v107. Although I could upload the official v92 and v100 dumps using private servers, adding them after the fact would make the repo kind of messy to navigate.

Q. Why did you upload this?

A. I needed the files in a .PNG format, and I was pretty annoyed that I had to convert them from their default .DDS file format. They say if one person has a problem, many people have that problem, so I figured I'd just upload my dumps for anyone who wants them.

Q. What if I want the original .DDS format?

A. If you have the client still, you can use Terahelper to dump all of the icons in .DDS. Otherwise you'll need to convert them yourself. You can get away with using DXT5 setting for these icons, but if it looks weird in game you can try DXT1.

Q. Am I allowed to use these icons?

A. Hell if I know. I'm not the copyright holder, nor am I liable for any damages that occur if you use these icons. Insert more legal jargon here.

Changelog (6/19/2022)

  • Fixed readme. :^)

1.5.3 (6/16/2022)

  • Prepared repo for archival.

1.5.2 (4/6/2022)

  • Readme update-2.

1.5.1 (4/6/2022)

  • Readme update.

1.5.0 (3/24/2022)

  • v115 dump.

1.4.0 (2/8/2022)

  • v114 dump.

1.3.0 (12/2/2021)

  • v112 dump.

1.2.1 (11/17/2021)

  • v110.3 dump.

1.2.0 (9/28/2021)

  • v110 dump.

1.1.1 (8/6/2021)

  • Github desktop too slow. :^)

1.1.0 (8/6/2021)

  • v108 dump.

1.0.0 (7/8/2021)

  • v107 dump.