
animated lolcat combined with figlet

Primary LanguageJava

animated lolcat combined with figlet


  • jdk 17
    you can use sdk man if you are on linux machine
  • also check GraalVM native-image section if you want to build native 'jfiglol' application


$ ./gradlew shadowJar
$ sudo cp build/libs/jfiglol-*-all.jar /bin/jfiglol.jar
$ echo "alias jfiglol='java -jar /bin/jfiglol.jar' $@" >> ~/.bashrc #<- or change to '.your_shellrc' file name


  • use file named "jfiglol", copy "jfiglol" to /usr/bin/ directory if you want
$ ./jfiglol "Your input here"
# don't forget double quotes if your text contains spaces

$ ./jfiglol "Some text" -a
# if you want to animate your input

$ ./jfiglol "Hello world!" -a -t /path/to/font.flf
# if you want to specify font file

GraalVM native-image


  • Produce a native image

    • With gradle:
    $ ./gradlew nativeBuild
    $ cd build/native/nativeCompile
    $ ./jfiglol "Hello world!" -a

Micronaut 3.8.6 Documentation

Feature lombok documentation