
Shows .then & .resolve implement bind & return, usually

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shows that promise libs with assimilation implement an instance of Monad t

Assume you have a JavaScript promise libarary which supports 'promise assimilation'.
That is, in a p1.then callback, you return a new promise p3, replacing the old p2 = p1.then(...) one.
Then, this repository's unit tests show that the (Promise.prototype.then,Promise.resolve) methods
satisfy the same monad laws (bind,return) do, proving you can use them to write monadic code.

Then, you could start writing monadic code like this:

var myUltimatePromise = 
         bind(httpRequest,   function(response){
  return bind(modulePromise, function(moduleObj){
  return bind(domLoadPromise,function(_dontCare_){
     *  ... blah blah blah ... 
     *  var myUltimateResult = 
     *  ... blah blah blah ... 
  return result(myUltimateResult);

Which is identical to:

var myUltimatePromise = 
         httpRequest   .then(function(response){
  return modulePromise .then(function(moduleObj){
  return domLoadPromise.then(function(_dontCare_){
     *  ... blah blah blah ... 
     *  var myUltimateResult = 
     *  ... blah blah blah ... 
  return Promise.resolve(myUltimateResult);

Then you could use the result of that promise either the way you are used to:

  // ... blah blah blah ...

Or you could do so using our implemented (bind,result) interface:

  // ... blah blah blah ...