
OCR Personal Information Identification System Summarized Report()


  • The identification the function is displayed showing the title of the event, “Hackathon”
  • Subheading is also initialized below the title
  • The use of OCR and the relevant system is displayed
  • Functionalities to drag and drop different formats or browse through your files to upload has been given.


  • After the user uploads, the image is opened by the system and converted into an array (num pi)
  • The image is opened in the back end and if the system sees anything in the English language, it is separated and stored into different variables
  • Only English will be ready by the system
  • System will look for the text in the image using the array
  • The resulting image will be provided
  • A separate font has been initialized for the output
  • Dimensions of the text in different areas of the image or document are identified
  • Whatever text is received by the OCR PIIS system is displayed in green on top of the original image
  • Green boxes are placed on the image to identify the parts recognized by the the system
  • We gave the system some reliance on types of personal information, for example: whatever text is extracted from the image or documents contain the keywords “Master card” , “Visa” , “Username:”, “ ID:” ,”Name:” etc.
  • The extracted text is taken and formatted into lowercase
  • Or function is used to display a warning “ Personal information identified” in case of any of keywords indicating that the information might be personal


1. Muhammad Owais 2. Irfan Ali 3. Subhan Farooq 4. Rahat Ali