
A DOM-based php template engine

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

##this project has moved to ox-harris/phpfront

CodelessUi - standards compliant, template engine for PHP.

CodelessUi is a fully-featured template engine for PHP. It facilitates the globally-held standard of code separation in application building. It helps you dynamically render application content on templates without mixing application codes (PHP) with presentation codes (HTML).

  • This code separation brings about cleaner and more maintainable code - the same reason why you do not mix CSS styles with HTML.
  • And on the critical side, you avoid all the security issues associated with using PHP codes on HTML templates.

Furthermore, CodelessUi brings all the ease and fun to your code, and a whole lot of new possibilities!

Compare CodelessUi with Smarty

Samrty - (from smarty.net):

The php


// create object

$smarty = new Smarty;

// assign some content. This would typically come from

// a database or other source, but we'll use static

// values for the purpose of this example.

$smarty->assign('name', 'george smith');

$smarty->assign('address', '45th & Harris');

// display it $smarty->display('index.tpl');

The template - before







User Information:

Name: {$name}

Address: {$address}




The template - after







User Information:

Name: george smith

Address: 45th & Harris





The php


// create object

$CodelessUi = new CodelessUi;

// assign some content. This would typically come from

// a database or other source, but we'll use static

// values for the purpose of this example.

$CodelessUi->assign('#name::after', 'george smith');

$CodelessUi->assign('#address::after', '45th & Harris');

// display it



The template - before







User Information:

<span id="name">Name: </span>

<span id="address">Address: </span>




The template - after







User Information:

<span id="name">Name: george smith</span>

<span id="address">Address: 45th & Harris</span>




The similarities

  • Instantiating with the 'new' keyword - same.
  • Assigning data to named elements in the markup - same.
  • Displaying - Smarty: display(); CodelessUi: render().

The differences - lest you think they're the same all the way:


  • A smarty template is not a standard HTML markup. But a mix of HTML and Smarty's own tags and syntaxes.
  • A Smarty template file has the file extension .tpl. not .html
  • You must learn PHP, HTML and Smarty syntaxes to work with Smarty.


  • Any valid HTML markup is a template! And valid HTML markup is valid anywhere - with or without the CodelessUi Engine!
  • Template file extension is rightly .html
  • You've learned PHP and HTML already! And that's all! That's the standard. CodelessUi requires no other language. Furthermore, if you know CSS, you can even target template elements by id ($CodelessUi->assign('#element', '...')), ClassName ($CodelessUi->assign('.element', '...')), Attribute ($CodelessUi->assign('element[attr]', '...')). And if you're a pro, find anything on the UI with xpath query: $CodelessUi->assign('xpath:parent/child', '...').

You should by now see the possibilities! See the official docs, and tutorials!



CodelessUi requires a web server running PHP 5.3 or greater.


Download CodelessUi if you have not already done so.

Folder Structure

Extract the CodelessUi zip file and you’ll discover the most important folder for use named ‘lib’.

This folder contains the core working files. This folder and its content are things you SHOULD NOT edit.

Move the CodelessUi folder to the frontend directory of your project or anywhere from the root directory of your project – depending on your application’s directory structure. Just make sure your application’s autoloader can pick up the CodelessUi class when called – that’s if your project is bundled with an autoloader. Or simply note down the path to where you decide to put the CodelessUi files so you can manually include this path during setup.


To see if CodelessUi is available for use, use CodelessUi::info(). This should show a few lines of info. If you just want to test CodelessUi or if your project is nothing more than basic, here is a test-case setup in numbered steps.

  • Create a new php file named ‘app.php’ – just the name for this example.
  • Copy the CodelessUi folder to the same directory as the app.php file.
  • Create a plain HTML page named ‘template.html’- one that contains no php tags – and put the file in this same directory.

Then in your app.php:

  • Include the CodelessUi class.

    Include ‘CodelessUi/lib/CodelessUi.php’;

    If you stored the CodelessUi folder in a different location, your include path would change.

Include ‘path-to-CodelessUi/CodelessUi/lib/CodelessUi.php’;

// Where ‘path-to-CodelessUi’ is your actual path to where you stored CodelessUi

  • CodelessUi is now available to our app.php script, so we instantiate it:

    $CodelessUi = new CodelessUi;

    // The CodelessUi’s __constructor accepts no arguments

  • Now, we hand CodelessUi the template to use - our template.html page


    If your stored template.html in a different location, your path would change.


// Where ‘path-to-template is your actual path to where you stored template.html

  • Now we can start assigning content to the respective elements in the template using CodelessUi’s assign() function

    The function accepts to parameters:

    • i $element_selector string
    • ii $data

// For document title (title)

$CodelessUi->assign(‘title’, ‘This is document title’);

// For page heading 1 (h1)

$CodelessUi->assign(‘h1’, ‘Hello World!’);

// For page paragraph (p)

$CodelessUi->assign(‘p’, ‘Here is my first CodelessUi project’);

  • Finally, we render our page using CodelessUi’s render() function


And that’s it! Preview your app.php in a browser and experience the CodelessUi's simplicity and neatness first time on your project!

Follow Up

Visit https://www.twitter.com/CodelessUi.

And follow CodelessUi on http://www.facebook.com/CodelessUi


Oxford Harrison ox_harris@yahoo.com


See the LICENSE.md file for details