
theos helloworld출력해보기

Primary LanguageLogos


theos helloworld출력해보기

theos 설치하기

  • macbook에서 실행
brew install dpkg ldid
git clone --recursive https://github.com/theos/theos.git ~/theos


  • macbook에서 실행
echo "export THEOS=~/theos" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

디렉토리 구조

  • macbook에서 구조
├── Makefile
├── Tweak.xm
├── main.m
└── Filter.plist

컴파일 및 실행 순서

  • macbook에서 실행
  • make
hacker@blackfalconui-MacBookAir helloworld2 % make

==> Notice: Build may be slow as Theos isn’t using all available CPU cores on this computer. Consider upgrading GNU Make: https://theos.dev/docs/parallel-building
> Making all for tweak HelloWorld…
==> Preprocessing Tweak.xm…
==> Compiling Tweak.xm (arm64)…
==> Linking tweak HelloWorld (arm64)…
==> Generating debug symbols for HelloWorld…
==> Preprocessing Tweak.xm…
==> Compiling Tweak.xm (arm64e)…
==> Linking tweak HelloWorld (arm64e)…
==> Generating debug symbols for HelloWorld…
==> Merging tweak HelloWorld…
==> Signing HelloWorld…
hacker@blackfalconui-MacBookAir helloworld2 % 

  • macbook에서 실행
  • make mac
hacker@blackfalconui-MacBookAir helloworld2 % make mac
clang -framework Foundation -o HelloWorld main.m
2024-06-07 09:27:21.078 HelloWorld[23905:493472] Hello World from MacOS
  • macbook에서 실행
  • make package
hacker@blackfalconui-MacBookAir helloworld2 % make package
==> Notice: Build may be slow as Theos isn’t using all available CPU cores on this computer. Consider upgrading GNU Make: https://theos.dev/docs/parallel-building
> Making all for tweak HelloWorld…
==> Preprocessing Tweak.xm…
==> Compiling Tweak.xm (arm64)…
==> Linking tweak HelloWorld (arm64)…
==> Generating debug symbols for HelloWorld…
==> Preprocessing Tweak.xm…
==> Compiling Tweak.xm (arm64e)…
==> Linking tweak HelloWorld (arm64e)…
==> Generating debug symbols for HelloWorld…
==> Merging tweak HelloWorld…
==> Signing HelloWorld…
> Making stage for tweak HelloWorld…
dm.pl: building package `co.kr.blackfalcon.helloworld:iphoneos-arm' in `./packages/co.kr.blackfalcon.helloworld_0.0.1-1-8+debug_iphoneos-arm.deb'
hacker@blackfalconui-MacBookAir helloworld2 % 

hacker@blackfalconui-MacBookAir helloworld2 % ls packages 
co.kr.blackfalcon.helloworld_0.0.1-1-7+debug_iphoneos-arm.deb	test
hacker@blackfalconui-MacBookAir helloworld2 % 

  • upload

  • macbook에서 실행

iproxy 1115 22
scp -P 1115 co.kr.blackfalcon.helloworld_0.0.1-1-4+debug_iphoneos-arm.deb  root@localhost:/tmp    
  • macbook에서 실행
ssh -p 1115 root@localhost
  • ios에서 실행
  • dpkg
dpkg -i co.kr.blackfalcon.helloworld_0.0.1-1-4+debug_iphoneos-arm.deb  
  • ios에서 실행
 touch  /var/mobile/HelloWorld.log
  • ios에서 실행
killall -9 SpringBoard
  • ios에서 실행
  • cat /var/mobile/HelloWorld.log
Black-Falconui-iPhone:~ root# cat  /var/mobile/HelloWorld.log
Hello World from iOS - Application did finish launching
Hello World from iOS - Application did finish launching