
Make Sure Everything Is Installed:

Using Python 3.7.2

brew install sqlite3

brew install rabbitmq

pip3 install virtualenv

virtualenv -p python3 env

source env/bin/activate

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

RabbitMQ, Celery, Django Commands:

in top level of project run: (separate terminal or separate process)


in virtualenv, in 1st level of data_ingestion, next to, run: (separate terminal or separate process)

celery -A data_ingestion worker -l info

in virtualenv, in 1st level of data_ingestion, next to, run: (separate terminal or separate process)

python3 runserver

Django Admin

in your browser go here:

login with either...

superuser username: admin

password: iceberg9

staff username: staff9

password: iceberg9

should take you here:

click on Data files

click on ADD DATA FILE

click on Choose File

choose ZKWDLhxw.txt from top level of project

click on SAVE

go back to:

explore other models:

Purchase types, Customers, Order records

see that data was successfully ingested

I would love to share modeling thoughts.


• Progress bar when uploading dat file.

• I am nearly certain that this can handle very large files > 3MB.

• Authentication.

please let me know if you have any issues or questions