Discover ChainBlockify's lightning-fast blockchain Open-Source Data API on GitHub. Access precise data swiftly for seamless integration into your projects. Build with speed and accuracy. Currently the app supports: BTC, ETH and DASH but more coming soon... Get started now!
Supports Multiple Blockchains: Currently, the app supports BTC, ETH, and DASH, with more blockchain integrations coming soon.
Clean Architecture and CQRS Patterns: ChainBlockify follows the Clean Architecture and CQRS patterns, ensuring modularity, maintainability, and scalability. Components communicate through interfaces, promoting loose coupling and ease of modification.
Highly Generic Design: The application is crafted in an extremely generic way, enhancing flexibility and reusability. The codebase prioritizes generic solutions to accommodate diverse blockchain requirements.
Utilizes Modern Libraries: Leveraging MediatR, AutoMapper, and Fluent Validation, ChainBlockify incorporates modern libraries to streamline development, enhance code readability, and enforce data validation.
- To use the application, please use SQL Server database and run the migrations.
- Then Populate the tables following way:
- insert into Blockchain (Name, DbTableName) values
- ('BTC', 'ChainBlockify.Domain.Entities.BlockchainInfoBtc')
- ('ETH', 'ChainBlockify.Domain.Entities.BlockchainInfoEth')
- ('DASH', 'ChainBlockify.Domain.Entities.BlockchainInfoDash')
- insert into BlockchainSource (Name) values ('Blockcypher')
- insert into BlockchainBlockchainSource (Url, BlockchainId, BlockchainSourceId, DtoName) values
- ('', 1, 1, 'ChainBlockify.Application.DTOs.Blockcypher.BlockchainInfoBtcBlockcypherDto')
- ('', 2, 1, 'ChainBlockify.Application.DTOs.Blockcypher.BlockchainInfoEthBlockcypherDto')
- ('', 3, 1, 'ChainBlockify.Application.DTOs.Blockcypher.BlockchainInfoDashBlockcypherDto')