
Accelerators for fixed-point methods, used in the conic solver COSMO.jl

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


COSMOAccelerators defines an abstract type AbstractAccelerator. The type can be used as an interface to write accelerator methods for algorithms based on non-expansive operators, e.g. fixed-point iterations. The acceleration methods in this package were originally developed for the convex conic solver COSMO.jl, but can also be used with other fixed-point methods, e.g. algorithms based on the ProximalOperators.jl package (see example).


COSMOAccelerators can be added via the Julia package manager (type ]): pkg> add COSMOAccelerators


The AbstractAccelerator interface assumes that the solver method T iteratively updates a vector g = T(x). The interface for an abstract accelerator aa requires implementation of the following methods:

Methods to implement Brief description
update!(aa, g, x, iter) Use iteration pairs (x,g) to update the accelerator history at iteration iter
accelerate!(g, x, aa, iter) Recombine past iterates and overwrite g with the accelerated point
was_successful!(aa) Tell the solver algorithms whether the last acceleration attempt was successful, e.g. no numerical issues
restart!(aa) Restart the accelerator, i.e. forget any state or history
Optional methods Default definition Brief description
log!(aa, args...; kwargs...) do nothing Algorithm tells accelerator to log something


The following accelerator types are currently exported:

  • EmptyAccelerator: An accelerator that does nothing
  • AndersonAccelerator{T, BT, MT, RE}(dim; mem): implements a variant of a limited-memory size(mem) Anderson Acceleration method for x, g in R^dim:
    • T <: AbstractFloat
    • BT <: AbstractBroydenType:
      • Type1 for Anderson-Acceleration with a Broyden type1-update
      • Type2{NormalEquations} for Anderson-Acceleration with a Broyden type2-update and where the least squares subproblem is solved with normal equations
      • Type2{QRDecomp} for Anderson-Acceleration with a Broyden type2-update and where the least squares subproblem is solved with a updated QR decomposition
    • MT <: AbstractMemory:
      • RollingMemory: Once the memory limit of the history is reached, new iterates overwrite the oldest iterates
      • RestartedMemory: Once the memory limit of the history is reached, the history is cleared and the method starts from scratch
    • RE <: AbstractRegularizer:
      • TikonovRegularizer: Tikonov regularisation of the least-squares subproblem to improve conditioning
      • FrobeniusNormRegularizer: Regularise the least-squares subproblem based on frobenius norms of iterate history
      • NoRegularizer: No regularisation of the least-squares subproblem


This is a modifed LASSO example from ProximalAlgorithms.jl. The first function defines the Douglas-Rachford algorithm based on proximal operators. The second function adds an Anderson Acceleration step into the algorithm loop by passing the iterates to update! and accelerate!. The number of iterations for convergence decreases from 36 to 12.

using COSMOAccelerators 
using ProximalOperators, ProximalAlgorithms
using LinearAlgebra, Test

# problem taken from 
# https://github.com/kul-forbes/ProximalAlgorithms.jl/blob/master/test/problems/test_lasso_small.jl
T = Float64
A = T[
    1.0 -2.0 3.0 -4.0 5.0
    2.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 3.0
    -1.0 0.0 4.0 -3.0 2.0
    -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 3.0

b = T[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
m, n = size(A)
R = real(T)
lam = R(0.1) * norm(A' * b, Inf)

# define functions for proximal operators
f = LeastSquares(A, b)
g = NormL1(lam)

# optimal solution 
x_star = T[-3.877278911564627e-01, 0, 0, 2.174149659863943e-02, 6.168435374149660e-01]

# Define Douglas-Rachford splitting
function solve(iter::ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_iterable, maxiter, gamma, tol)
    tol_stop(state::ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_state) = norm(state.res, Inf) / gamma <= tol

    iter = ProximalAlgorithms.halt(iter, tol_stop) # tolerance check
    iter = Base.Iterators.take(iter, maxiter) # max iter
    iter = enumerate(iter) # state = (k, state)
    state_final = nothing
    for state in iter
        state_final = state
    return state_final[2].y, state_final[2].z, state_final[1]

# Define Douglas-Rachford splitting and Anderson Acceleration
function solve_and_accelerate(iter::ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_iterable, aa::AndersonAccelerator, maxiter, gamma, tol)
    tol_stop(state::ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_state) = norm(state.res, Inf) / gamma <= tol
    x_prev = copy(iter.x)

    iter = ProximalAlgorithms.halt(iter, tol_stop)
    iter = Base.Iterators.take(iter, maxiter) 
    state_final = nothing
    k_final = nothing
    for (k, state) in enumerate(iter)
        state_final = state
        k_final = k
        # accelerate
        update!(aa, state.x, x_prev, k)
        accelerate!(state.x, x_prev, aa, k)
        @. x_prev = state.x

    return state_final.y, state_final.z, k_final

# test
@testset "Accelerator and Douglas-Rachford (ProximalOperators.jl)" begin
    tol = 1e-6
    maxiter = 200
    x0 = zeros(5)
    gamma = R(10.0) / opnorm(A)^2

    # vanilla Douglas-Rachford
    iter = ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_iterable(f, g, x0, gamma)
    y, z, it = solve(iter, maxiter, gamma, tol)
    @test norm(y - x_star, Inf) <= tol

    # Douglas-Rachford + Anderson Acceleration
    iter = ProximalAlgorithms.DRS_iterable(f, g, x0, gamma)
    aa = AndersonAccelerator(length(x0))
    y_aa, z_aa, it_aa = solve_and_accelerate(iter, aa, maxiter, gamma, tol)
    @test norm(y_aa - x_star, Inf) <= tol
    @test it_aa < it 



Related packages

  • COSMO.jl - an ADMM based solver for convex conic optimisation problems.
  • ProximalOperators.jl - a set of operator building blocks for proximal algorithms


COSMOAccelerators.jl is developed by Michael Garstka at the University of Oxford.