
Solving the Trust Region Subproblem as an Eigenproblem in Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

TRS.jl: Solving the Trust Region Subproblem

This package solves the Trust-Region Subproblem:

minimize    ½x'Px + q'x
subject to  ‖x‖ ≤ r

where x in the n-dimensional variable. This is a matrix-free method returning highly accurate solutions efficiently by solving a single eigenproblem. It accesses P only via matrix multiplications (i.e. via mul!), so it can take full advantage of P's structure/sparsity.

Furthermore, the following extensions are supported:

This package has been specifically designed for large scale problems. Separate, efficient functions for small problems are also provided.

If you are interested for support of linear inequality constraints Ax ≤ b check this package.

The main references for this package are

Rontsis N., Goulart P.J., & Nakatsukasa, Y.
An active-set algorithm for norm constrained quadratic problems
Mathematical Programming (2021): 1-37.


Adachi, S., Iwata, S., Nakatsukasa, Y., & Takeda, A.
Solving the trust-region subproblem by a generalized eigenvalue problem.
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27.1 (2017): 269-291.


This package can be installed by running

add https://github.com/oxfordcontrol/TRS.jl

in Julia's Pkg REPL mode.


Standard TRS

The global solution of the standard TRS

minimize    ½x'Px + q'x
subject to  ‖x‖ ≤ r,

where ‖·‖ is the 2-norm, can be obtained with:

trs(P, q, r; kwargs...) -> x, info

Arguments (T is any real numerical type):

  • P: The quadratic cost represented as any linear operator implementing mul!, issymmetric and size.
  • q::AbstractVector{T}: the linear cost.
  • r::T: the radius.


  • X::Matrix{T}: Array with each column containing a global solution to the TRS
  • info::TRSInfo{T}: Info structure. See below for details.

Keywords (optional)

  • tol, maxiter, ncv and v0 that are passed to eigs used to solve the underlying eigenproblem. Refer to Arpack.jl's documentation for these arguments. Of particular importance is tol::T which essentially controls the accuracy of the returned solutions.
  • tol_hard=2e-7: Threshold for switching to the hard-case. Refer to Adachi et al., Section 4.2 for an explanation.
  • compute_local::Bool=False: Whether the local-no-global solution should be calculated. More details below.

Note that if v0 is not set, then Arpack starts from a random initial vector and thus the results will not be completely deterministic.

Ellipsoidal Norms

Results for ellipsoidal norms ‖x‖ := sqrt(x'Cx) can be obtained with

trs(P, q, r, C; kwargs...) -> x, info

which is the same as trs(P, q, r) except for the input argument

  • C::AbstractMatrix{T}: a positive definite, symmetric, matrix that defines the ellipsoidal norm ‖x‖ := sqrt(x'Cx).

Note that if C is known to be well conditioned it might be preferable to perform a change of variables y = cholesky(C)\x and use the standard trs(P, q, r) instead.

Equality constraints

The problem

minimize    ½x'Px + q'x
subject to  ‖x‖ ≤ r
            Ax = b,

where A is a "fat", full row-rank matrix, can be solved as

trs(P, q, r, A, b; kwargs...) -> x, info

which is the same as trs(P, q, r) except for the input arguments A::AbstractMatrix{T} and b::AbstractVector{T}

Finding local-no-global minimizers

Due to non-convexity, a TRS can exhibit at most one local minimizer with objective value less than the one of the global. The local-no-global minimizer can be obtained (if it exists) via:

trs(···; compute_local=true, kwargs...) -> X info

Similarly to the cases above, X::Matrix{T} contains the global solution(s), but in this case, local minimizers are also included. The global minimizers(s) proceed the local one.

Solving constant-norm problems

Simply use trs_boundary instead of trs.

Solving small problems

Small problems (say for n < 20) should be solved with trs_small and trs_boundary_small, which have identical definitions with trs and trs_boundary described above, except for P which is constrained to be a subtype of AbstractMatrix{T}.

Internally trs_small/trs_boundary_small use direct eigensolvers (i.e. eigen) providing better accuracy, reliability, and speed for small problems.

The TRSInfo struct

The returned info structure contains the following fields:

  • hard_case::Bool Flag indicating if the problem was detected to be in the hard-case.
  • niter::Int: Number of iterations of the eigensolver
  • nmul::Int: Number of multiplications with P requested by the eigensolver.
  • λ::Vector Lagrange Multiplier(s) of the solution(s).