RoxieBench is a benchmark suite for evaluating Roxie performance. RoxieBench is scalable to run in a distributed setting that supports multiple worker nodes. RoxieBench uses a centralized model, and is scalable to run in a distributed setting that supports multiple worker nodes. This benchmark tool is designed to evaluate the Roxie performance under diverse workloads, namely arrival patterns and query distribution types.
Workload Configuration
- Workload distribution workload.distribution defines the query key distribution for certain Roxie applications
- Selection of Roxie applications workload.select desines how the Roxie applicatoins are selected
Methodology to generate workload
Given a key space with size N for the query key and a distribution, we devide the cumulative distribution function (CDF) to N equal partitions. Each key is assigned to the partitions with a probability. Then we use random number generator (uniform distribution) to select keys (now they will be drawn with different probabilities). This process ensures the workload generation follows a defined distribution.
Required Packages this project
- Git
- sudo yum install git-all
- Linux
- sudo apt-get install sshpass ( for ssh key deploymeny on VCL)
- sudo apt-get build-dep python3-lxml ( for the lxml library in pip)
- Python
Python 3
Pip 3
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py sudo python3 get-pip.py ```
sudo pip install virtualenv ```
Package Installation
- bash repo/install.sh
- source init.sh
How to run benchmark
- Create a benchmark configuatino conf/benchmark.yaml
- Deploy benchmark programs
benchmark deploy
- Deploy benchmark configuration only (copy conf/benchmark.yaml to other nodes)
benchmark deploy_config
- Install required packages
benchmark install_package
- Control the benchmark service
benchmark service start|stop|restart|status
- Submit workload (no benchmark results collected)
benchmark submit conf/workload_template.yaml
- Get workload info
benchmark workload status|report|statistics wid
- Run the benchmark
benchmark run conf/workload_template.yaml --hpcc_config ~/elastic-hpcc/template/elastic_4thor_8roxie_locality.xml -o results/test1