HPCC as a service: HPCC cluster management in clouds.
Prepare your environment
# install required 3rd-party libraries
source scripts/install.sh
# start the virtualenv
source scripts/init.sh
# initialize the AWS credentials
aws configure
# initialize haas directory
mkdir ~/.haas
Steps to create a stack
# generate haas configuration
haas config new mycluster1
# create the stack
haas --debug stack create mycluster1 -p template_url=templates/haas_cft.json -p KeyName=osr -p MasterInstanceType=c4.large -p SlaveInstanceType=c4.large
Steps to save/restore a cluster
# save a cluster to S3
haas data [--resource dropzone|workunit|dfs] save mycluster mycheckpoint
# restore a cluster from S3
haas data [--resource dropzone|workunit|dfs] restore mycheckpoint mycluster
# check progress
haas data progress mycluster