Want to know more about Custom Claims? See the FAQ below.
This is just one way to implement custom claims
for a Supabase project. The goal here is simply to add JSON data to the access token that an authenticated user receives when logging into your application. That token (and thus the custom claims
contained in that token) can be read and used by both your application and by your PostgreSQL database server. These custom claims
are stored in the raw_app_meta_data
field of the users
table in the auth
schema. (auth.users.raw_app_meta_data
The file install.sql contains all the PostgreSQL functions you need to implement and manage custom claims in your Supabase project.
- Paste the SQL code from install.sql into the SQL Query Editor of your Supabase project.
- Click
to execute the code.
- Paste the SQL code from uninstall.sql into the SQL Query Editor of your Supabase project.
- Click
to execute the code.
If you want to tighten security so that custom claims can only be set or deleted from inside the query editor or inside your PostgreSQL functions or triggers, edit the function is_claims_admin()
to disallow usage by app users (no usage through the API / Postgrest). Instructions are included in the function.
By default, usage is allowed through your API, but the ability to set or delete claims is restricted to only users who have the claims_admin
custom claim set to true
. This allows you to create an "admin" section of your app that allows designated users to modify custom claims for other users of your app.
If the only way to set or delete claims requires the claims_admin
claim to be set to true
and no users have that claim, how can I edit custom claims from within my app?
The answer is to "bootstrap" a user by running the following command inside your Supabase Query Editor window:
select set_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'claims_admin', 'true');
where 03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e
is the id
of your admin user found in auth.users
You can get, set, and delete claims for any user based on the user's id
(uuid) with the following functions:
select get_claims('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e');
| get_claims |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| {"provider": "email", "userrole": "MANAGER", "providers": ["email"], "userlevel": 100, "useractive": true, "userjoined": "2022-05-20T14:07:27.742Z", "claims_admin": true} |
select get_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'userlevel');
| get_claim |
| --------- |
| 100 |
Set a number value. (Note value
is passed as a jsonb
value, so to set a number we need to pass it as a simple string.)
select set_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'userlevel', '200');
Set a text value. (Note value
is passed as a jsonb
value, so to set a number we need to pass it with double-quotes.)
select set_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'userrole', '"MANAGER"');
Common Mistake: If you forget the double-quotes for a string, and try to do this: select set_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'userrole', 'MANAGER');
, the result will be an error: invalid input syntax for type json
Set a boolean value.
select set_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'useractive', 'true');
Set an array value.
select set_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'items', '["bread", "cheese", "butter"]');
Set a complex, nested json / object value.
select set_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'gamestate', '{"level": 5, "items": ["knife", "gun"], "position":{"x": 15, "y": 22}}');
| set_claim |
| --------- |
| OK |
select delete_claim('03acaa13-7989-45c1-8dfb-6eeb7cf0b92e', 'gamestate');
| delete_claim |
| ------------ |
| OK |
When using custom claims from inside a PostgreSQL function or trigger, you can use any of the functions shown in the section above: Inside the Query Editor
In addition, you can use the following functions that are specific to the currently logged-in user:
select is_claims_admin();
| is_claims_admin |
| --------------- |
| true |
select get_my_claims();
| get_my_claims |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| {"provider": "email", "userrole": "MANAGER", "providers": ["email"], "userlevel": 100, "useractive": true, "userjoined": "2022-05-20T14:07:27.742Z", "claims_admin": true} |
select get_my_claim('userlevel');
| get_my_claim |
| ------------ |
| 100 |
To use custom claims in an RLS Policy, you'll normally use the get_my_claim
to check a specific claim for the currently logged in user.
get_my_claim('userrole') = '"MANAGER"'
(which the UI will change into the more formal):
((get_my_claim('userrole'::text)) = '"MANAGER"'::jsonb)
coalesce(get_my_claim('userlevel')::numeric,0) > 100
You can extract claims information from the session
object you get when the user is logged in. For example:
supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((_event, session) => {
if (session?.user) {
console.log(session?.user?.app_metadata) // show custom claims
If any claims have changed since your last log in, you may need to log out and back in to see these changes.
You can also query the server to see what claims are set for the current user.
Here are some sample functions that can be used by any authenticated (logged-in) user of your application:
public get_my_claims = async () => {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.rpc('get_my_claims', {});
return { data, error };
public get_my_claim = async (claim: string) => {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.rpc('get_my_claim', {claim});
return { data, error };
public is_claims_admin = async () => {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.rpc('is_claims_admin', {});
return { data, error };
The following functions can only be used by a "claims admin", that is, a user who has the claims_admin
custom claim set to true
(Note: these functions allow you to view, set, and delete claims for any user of your application, so these would be appropriate for an administrative branch of your application to be used only by high-level users with the proper security rights (i.e. claims_admin
level users.))
public get_claims = async (uid: string) => {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.rpc('get_claims', {uid});
return { data, error };
public get_claim = async (uid: string, claim: string) => {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.rpc('get_claim', {uid, claim});
return { data, error };
public set_claim = async (uid: string, claim: string, value: object) => {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.rpc('set_claim', {uid, claim, value});
return { data, error };
public delete_claim = async (uid: string, claim: string) => {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.rpc('delete_claim', {uid, claim});
return { data, error };
See this issue
Custom Claims are special attributes attached to a user that you can use to control access to portions of your application.
For example:
plan: "TRIAL"
user_level: 100
group_name: "Super Guild!"
joined_on: "2022-05-20T14:28:18.217Z"
group_manager: false
items: ["toothpick", "string", "ring"]
Any valid JSON data can be stored in a claim. You can store a string, number, boolean, date (as a string), array, or even a complex, nested, complete JSON object.
Custom claims are stored in the auth.users
table, in the raw_app_meta_data
column for a user.
The Supabase Auth System (GoTrue) currently uses the following custom claims: provider
and providers
, so DO NOT use these. Any other valid string should be ok as the name for your custom claim(s), though.
Performance, mostly. Custom claims are stored in the security token a user receives when logging in, and these claims are made available to the PostgreSQL database as a configuration parameter, i.e. current_setting('request.jwt.claims', true)
. So the database has access to these values immediately without needing to do any disk i/o.
This may sound trivial, but this could have a significant effect on scalability if you use claims in an RLS (Row Level Security) Policy, as it could potentially eliminate thousands (or even millions) of database calls.
One drawback is that claims don't get updated automatically, so if you assign a user a new custom claim, they may need to log out and log back in to have the new claim available to them. The same goes for deleting or changing a claim. So this is not a good tool for storing data that changes frequently.
You can force a refresh of the current session token by calling supabase.auth.update({})
on the client, but if a claim is changed by a server process or by a claims adminstrator manually, there's no easy way to notify the user that their claims have changed. You can provide a "refresh" button or a refresh function inside your app to update the claims at any time, though.
select * from auth.users where (auth.users.raw_app_meta_data->'claims_admin')::bool = true;
select * from auth.users where (auth.users.raw_app_meta_data->'userleval')::numeric > 100;
(note for strings you need to add double-quotes becuase data is data is stored as JSONB)
select * from auth.users where (auth.users.raw_app_meta_data->'userrole')::text = '"MANAGER"';
The auth.users
table used by Supabase Auth (GoTrue) has both raw_app_meta_data
and a raw_user_meta_data
is designed for profile data and can be created and modified by a user. For example, this data can be set when a user signs up: sign-up-with-additional-user-meta-data or this data can be modified by a user with auth-update
is designed for use by the application layer and is used by GoTrue to handle authentication (For exampple, the provider
and providers
claims are used by GoTrue to track authentication providers.) raw_app_meta_data
is not accessible to the user by default.
Be sure to watch for reserved claims in your particular development environment. For example, the claims exp
and role
are reserved by the Supabase Realtime system and can cause problems if you try use these names. To avoid these potential problems, it's good practice to use a custom identifier in your custom claims, such as MY_COMPANY_item1
, MY_COMPANY_item2
, etc.