
A gulp plugin for cachebusting files by adding a hash to their name and/or content.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

gulp-hash NPM version Build Status

Gulp plugin for cachebusting files by adding a hash to their name and/or content. Optionally writes a JSON file with mappings from the original filename to the renamed one.

Basic usage

var hash = require('gulp-hash');

// ...

	.pipe(hash()) // Add hashes to the files' names
	.pipe(gulp.dest('public/js')) // Write the now-renamed files
	.pipe(hash.manifest('asset-hashes.json')) // Change the stream to the manifest file
	.pipe(gulp.dest('public')); // Write the manifest file



Option Default Description
algorithm 'sha1' A hashing algorithm for crypto.createHash or equivalent custom function
hashLength 8 The length of the hash to add to the file's name (substr from the start of the full hash)
template '<%= name %>-<%= hash %><%= ext %>' Format for renaming the files

A more advanced example

See example/example-gulpfile.js for an example for a full gulpfile.