build on create-react-app connect wallet to either metamask or coinbase wallet Upload nft metadata to ipfs & filecoin
I run into the following error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve <'buffer'/'util'/...>
Due to the removal of default polyfills in webpack5, you must install the following utilities:
yarn add buffer
yarn add util
yarn add stream-browserify
yarn add assert
yarn add stream-http
yarn add url
yarn add https-browserify
yarn add os-browserify
Then, add the following code snippet to your webpack.config.js:
resolve: {
fallback: {
'fs': false,
'stream': require.resolve('stream-browserify'),
'buffer': require.resolve('buffer/'),
'util': require.resolve('util/'),
'assert': require.resolve('assert/'),
'http': require.resolve('stream-http/'),
'url': require.resolve('url/'),
'https': require.resolve('https-browserify/'),
'os': require.resolve('os-browserify/'),
If you are using an application built on create-react-app locally, you must run npm run eject to be able to customize your webpack configuration.
The wallet connection does not persist upon refreshing the browser
Web3Modal provides a built-in option for you to automatically cache the connected provider.
// set cacheProvider parameter as true when instantiating web3modal
const web3Modal = new Web3Modal({
cacheProvider: true, // optional
providerOptions // required
// hook to automatically connect to the cached provider
useEffect(() => {
if (web3Modal.cachedProvider) {
}, []);>
idToListedToken contract address="0x103bA2B6f8D325a6cb817d111F35108Dd6E289A0";