
🍏 🍍 🍓 A NativeScript+Vue iOS and Android app for managing grocery lists

Primary LanguageVue

Groceries Vue

Built With NativeScript-Vue

Groceries Vue is an app for managing grocery lists.

Groceries Vue is also a clone of sample-Groceries built with nativescript-vue. It showcases the potential of the NativeScript platform using the Vue.js.

This project uses:

  • Vue.js!
  • Vuex;
  • NativeScript components;
  • NativeScript animation;
  • NativeScript http lib to connect to a backend service;
  • NativeScript vue-cli-template (see nativescript-vue/vue-cli-template/)

Video demo

Groceries-vue video demo


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Build for production
npm run build
npm run build:<platform>

# Build, watch for changes and debug the application
npm run debug
npm run debug:<platform>

# Build, watch for changes and run the application
npm run watch
npm run watch:<platform>

# Clean the NativeScript application instance (i.e. rm -rf dist)
npm run clean

When invoking the various npm scripts, omitting the platform will attempt to launch tns for both platforms, which will only work in a properly configured OSX environment.

For detailed instructions, see https://github.com/nativescript-vue/vue-cli-template