
PC DEVA: Automated pc setup for php software dev with git + Vagrant on Windows

MIT LicenseMIT


PC DEVA - PC Development Environment + Vagrant Awesomeness

say wha now?

An automated PC setup script for PHP software development using git + Vagrant on Windows.

Who really wants to remember which blogs had the best steps for development setup, or have to remember the dev versions that actually work for each piece of software on Windows? That was rhetorical.


If WATSON (yes, I name my devices) decided to flip me multiple middle fingers tomorrow, or if he (yes, he's a he) was ever stolen in an airport, I'd want to know that RAMPing up a new PC (God forbid) wouldn't take more than 1/142nd the amount of time it took me to setup the current PC dev environment that wins at the internet.

Plus, MacBook Pros are cool n' all, but I prefer PCs. How often do you hear of PC user crasping at straws to install a Mountain Lion, Snow Leopard, or a Maverick on a new partition? Hmm? Think it over. Don't worry; I'll wait.


  • Windows 7+
  • Installation of VirtualBox
  • VirtualBox Ext. (Optional)


  • console2 - powershell? for why? no.
  • git
  • php binaries (mingw32)
  • phpcs
  • phpmd
  • wp-cli
  • Composer
  • Ruby
  • Nodejs + npm
  • Bower
  • Compass
  • Vagrant
  • ...and more


  • (Optional) Submodule my dotfiles, pls!
  • (Optional) Git in My Bash - an intuitive git bash prompt
  • (Optional) Git in My Bash w/ SVN - an intuitive git bash prompt w/ svn info

