
Installation error

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I cloned the repository of ANARCI and tried to install it using python setup.py install --user (I did this after the installation of HMM and biopython). but I got this error:

Would you please help with this?
Thank you very much and really looking forward to hearing from you.

@fredsamhaak Do you have MUSCLE installed on your system? The failure seems due to missing muscle executable.

Hello, it seems like this is a duplicate of #16

Hello @merkys, sorry for the late response. muscle is installed on my system.
I've tried another package called abnumber which is based on anarci. After conda install AbNumber (successfully), I tried to run the example, but got an error:

I don't know if this is related to the previous error.
Would you please help me with this? Thank you very much!