
The Pizza task _ backend

Primary LanguagePHP


Here is only backend


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Fix configuration environment

Create configuration file .env

cp .env.example .env

Change following strings

DB_HOST=remotemysql.com 	-- set here your mysql server
DB_PORT=3306			-- set port local server
DB_DATABASE=pizzas_db	    -- (at first create new database) 
DB_USERNAME=username	    -- user name to mysql
DB_PASSWORD=userpass	    -- user password to mysql

Start migrations and fill database

php artisan migrate --seed

Deploy to Heroku

By default, Heroku will launch an Apache web server together with PHP to serve applications from the root directory of the project.

However, your application’s document root is the public/ subdirectory, so you need to create a Procfile that configures the correct document root:

echo "web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/" > Procfile
git add .
git commit -m "Procfile for Heroku"

To create a new Heroku application that you can push to, use the heroku create command:

heroku create    

The application’s encryption key is used by Laravel to encrypt user sessions and other information. Its value will be read from the APP_KEY environment variable.

As it must comply with the rules of the selected cipher in the configuration, the easiest way to generate a valid key is using the php artisan key:generate --show command, which will print a key that you can copy and then paste into the next step.

php artisan key:generate --show	

heroku config:set APP_KEY={Paste_here}

Pushing to Heroku

git push heroku master

Go to Heroku dashboard http://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/{APP_NAME}}/settings

Set Config Vars

DB_HOST=remotemysql.com 	-- set here your mysql server
DB_PORT=3306			-- set port local server
DB_DATABASE=pizzas_db	    -- (at first create new database) 
DB_USERNAME=username	    -- user name to mysql
DB_PASSWORD=userpass	    -- user password to mysql

Open project

heroku open	

Available methods:

GET /api/pizzas  -- get All pizzas

GET /cart/{customer_id}         -- get customer's cart
POST /cart/{customer_id} 
PUT /cart/{customer_id}
DELETE /cart/{customer_id}      -- clear customer's cart

Route::get('/cart/{customer_id}', "CartController@show");
Route::post('/cart/{customer_id}', "CartController@add");
Route::put('/cart/{customer_id}', "CartController@edit");
Route::delete('/cart/{customer_id}', "CartController@clear"); //clear cart