
A python GUI toolkit for creating/editing Aesthetic YAML dictionaries for OpenUtau

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English 華語


A python GUI toolkit for creating and editing Aesthetic YAML dictionaries for OpenUtau 🥰😍 ou dictionary editor  6D4460C

  • To use this GUI Toolkit, for Windows I recommend using the portable .exe file and for MacOs and Linux I recommend using the .pyw file and use python version 3.10 and above 3.9 and below is untested and it may not work properly.
  • installing the modules for MacOs and Linux:
    pip install ruamel.yaml tk requests

📍 Download the latest version here:

Download Latest Release

📍 language support

  • OpenUtau Dictionary Editor uses a preformated yaml file for GUI translation. All users are welcome to translate the text found in Templates/Localizations/en_US.yaml to other languages and submit a pull request.


Open/Append YAML Dictionaries


  • By clicking the [Open YAML File] button, you can open a premade OpenUTAU YAML dictionary to edit them directly with this GUI toolkit. The [Append YAML File] button's function is to merge multiple YAML files so that users can merge them together.

Create a YAML Dictionary from Scratch


  • You can add the graphemes and phonemes onto the Manual Entry section. Pressing the [Add Entry] button will add them to the Entries viewer. Using the [Delete Entry] button or the delete button on your keyboard will delete the selected entry. By clicking the entries first then shift + click to other entries will highlight them so that users can batch delete the entries using the [Delete Entry] button or the delete keyboard button.
  • Note: If creating a dictionary from scratch, choose a yaml template from the combobox picker

Using OpenUtau YAML Templates or Custom Template


  • Using the combobox picker, users can choose their OpenUtau YAML template to create their dictionary. Also, users can add their own templates by placing them in the [Templates] folder so the GUI toolkit will recognize the files via the templates.ini and use them for dictionary creation.
  • Tip: if you're creating a custom dict from scratch, add your template from the templates folder so that you can use it on the picker and add your entries, if you have already made a custom dict, just import them to the editor then use 'Current Template' so that it add the entries to the current imported yaml file and still preserve the custom symbols

Sorting the Entries


  • Users can sort their entries alphabetically either A-Z or Z-A

Converting CMUdict to OU YAML dictionary


  • Function to convert the CMUdict.txt into a functional OpenUTAU dictionary. Note that the CMUdict mustn't have a ;;; or the GUI toolkit will throw an error.

Editing the Symbols and saving them as a Template


  • Users can edit the symbols of the yaml dictionary by clicking the Edit symbols, add or delete the symbols (phonemes and phoneme type) and saving them for future use.

Using the Entries Viewer


  • In the Entries Viewer, users can interact with the entries by clicking, deleting, adding, and arranging the entries.
  • Clicking the Entries to Edit

  • image
  • Users can Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple entries in the viewer.
  • Dragging the Entries to Change Their Positions

  • image
  • Users can drag and drop the entries to change their positions manually.

Using the Regex Function


  • Users can use the Regex search and replace to replace the grapheme or the phonemes.

Saving the YAML Dictionary


  • There are currently 2 saving buttons to save the YAML dictionary into these formats:
  • Normal OU YAML
  • image
  • Diffsinger Format
  • image

Changing Themes and Color Accents


  • Users change the theme and color accents of the GUI toolkit as they please. Currently there are 18 color accents to choose from corresponding with their Light and dark theme.

  • And other features of this GUI Toolkit such as automatic ' ' for the special characters for the grapheme and phonemes, Light mode and Dark mode theming, Entry sorting, Remove number accents, Make phonemes lowercase and more.