
See how HTTPX, Requests, and AIOHTTP libraries compare for sending network requests and find out which one may fit your case better.

Primary LanguagePython

HTTPX vs Requests vs AIOHTTP

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HTTPX is a modern HTTP client for Python that aims to provide a more enjoyable and powerful experience for making HTTP requests. It was created to add support for asynchronous programming and has quickly gained popularity in the Python community due to its feature-rich API and good performance. In this article, we'll compare HTTPX to two other popular HTTP clients for Python: Requests and AIOHTTP.

See the full overview in our blog post where we delve deeper into each library.

How HTTPX compares to the Requests module

See this comparison table of the key differences between the requests and httpx libraries:

Feature Requests HTTPX
Async compatibility
HTTP/2 support
Automatic decoding
Performance ✅🚀

Before running the below examples, open up your terminal and install the required libraries:

python -m pip install requests httpx aiohttp asyncio

Below are syntax differences between the two. The following code uses the Requests library to send a GET request:

import requests
response = requests.get("https://example.com")

The equivalent code uses the HTTPX library:

import httpx
response = httpx.get("https://example.com")

Alternatively, you can create an httpx client object and use its get method:

client = httpx.Client()
response = httpx.get("https://example.com")

If you want to send a POST request using the requests library, use the post method instead of get as follows:

response = requests.post("https://httpbin.org/post", data= {"name": "John", "age": 30})

The syntax using HTTPX is very similar:

response = client.post("https://httpbin.org/post", data={"name": "John", "age": 30})

The two libraries are used almost identically in simple synchronous situations. The important difference is that HTTPX allows you to write asynchronous code as follows:

import httpx
import asyncio

async def main():
    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
        response = await client.get("https://example.com")


HTTPX also includes automatic decoding of JSON and other common formats, which can save developers time and effort when working with responses that include structured data.

See the following example:

import httpx
response = httpx.get("http://httpbin.org/get")
data = response.json()

The site http://httpbin.org/get returns a JSON response.

In comparison, the requests library syntax is almost identical:

import requests
response = requests.get("http://httpbin.org/get")
data = response.json()

Do note that there is a new version of the HTTP protocol called HTTP/2, which provides far more efficient transport and better performance. If you want to read more about HTTP/2, see this detailed document. Importantly, HTTPX offers support for HTTP/2 while Requests doesn’t.

To utilize HTTP/2 with the HTTPX library, first, install the optional HTTP/2 component using the pip command:

pip install 'httpx[http2]'

Next, set the optional http2 flag to True when you create an instance of the client as follows:

client = httpx.Client(http2=True)
response = client.get("https://example.com")
print(response.http_version) # Prints HTTP/2

An overview of AIOHTTP

Like HTTPX, AIOHTTP supports standard HTTP methods. It also includes support for cookies, redirects, and custom headers. AIOHTTP is particularly well-suited for making HTTP requests in high-concurrency environments due to its async-first design and efficient use of resources.

Here is an example of making an asynchronous GET request using AIOHTTP:

import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def main(): 
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: 
            async with session.get("https://example.com") as response: 
                print(await response.text())


AIOHTTP also supports making asynchronous POST requests and other HTTP methods similarly. Here is an example of making a POST request with AIOHTTP:

import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def main(): 
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: 
            async with session.post("http://httpbin.org/post", data={"key": "value"}) as response: 
                print(await response.text())


If you want to learn more about AIOHTTP, we highly recommend reading Asynchronous Web Scraping with AIOHTTP.


See the complete comparison in our blog post. The major differences of HTTPX and AIOHTTP can be summed up with this table:

Async compatibility
HTTP/2 support
Performance ✅🚀

Performance Comparison of AIOHTTP and HTTPX

To compare the performance of AIOHTTP and HTTPX, we can build a simple program that sends multiple asynchronous GET requests to a website. Here is an example of such a program:

import asyncio
import time
import httpx
import aiohttp

async def main():
    # Create clients for both the library
    httpx_client = httpx.AsyncClient()
    aiohttp_client = aiohttp.ClientSession()

        # Send 100 asynchronous GET requests using HTTPX
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        tasks = [httpx_client.get("https://example.com") for _ in range(100)]
        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        end_time = time.perf_counter()
        print(f"HTTPX: {end_time - start_time:.2f} seconds")

        # Send 100 asynchronous GET requests using AIOHTTP
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        tasks = [aiohttp_client.get("https://example.com") for _ in range(100)]
        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        end_time = time.perf_counter()
        print(f"AIOHTTP: {end_time - start_time:.2f} seconds")
        # Close client sessions
        await aiohttp_client.close()
        await httpx_client.aclose()


Here are the results of running this code on a mac with an M1 processor and gigabit internet:

HTTPX: 1.22 seconds

AIOHTTP: 1.19 seconds

If we run the same code for 1000 requests, the numbers change significantly:

HTTPX: 10.22 seconds

AIOHTTP: 3.79 seconds

As we can see, AIOHTTP is faster than HTTPX in this case. However, it’s important to note that the performance difference between the two libraries may vary depending on the specific use case and hardware.

Comparison of HTTPX vs Requests vs AIOHTTP

Feature HTTPX Requests AIOHTTP
Async compatible Yes No Yes
Sync compatible Yes Yes No
Automatic JSON decoding Yes Yes No
HTTP/2 support Yes No No
Cookies Yes Yes Yes
Redirects Yes Yes Yes
Authentication Yes Yes Yes
Custom headers Yes Yes Yes
Streaming responses No No No
Size Large Smaller Smaller
Performance Good Good Excellent


Ultimately, the choice of an HTTP client library will depend on the specific needs of your project. Requests may be the best choice if you need a simple and easy-to-use library. If you need a more feature-rich library with async support, HTTPX could be a better fit.

It's worth noting that HTTPX and AIOHTTP are not the only options for making HTTP requests in Python. Many other libraries are available, each with its own features and trade-offs. Some other popular choices include http.client, urllib3, and httplib2.

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