
Battlecry refactoring in progress

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This weekend I had way too much extra time and dug deep into the battlecry code looking to find a more common solution for targeting and tracking actions. I found one but it ended up impacting every card with a targetable battlecry and has fairly drastic implications on how we handle things.

I'll try to get a PR out in the next few days but hopefully you aren't in the middle of any major refactoring. If so, I'll try to handle the merging so you don't have to.

One thing that I did was to move the Battlecry interfaces out of Minion and into Card class, mostly to implement Perdition's Blade. I haven't pushed it yet, so I can hold off until you are done if that makes things easier.

I ran into an issue so I wouldn't wait for me. I'll deal with merging it all together later.