
File reorganization

Closed this issue · 7 comments

MrHen commented

How do you feel about reorganizing how the card files are laid out? If we group things by:

  • Set
  • Rarity

Then our subfolders won't continue to grow and grow as we implement new cards. It's already getting to be somewhat of a pain to deal with all of the Minion cards living in the same folder.

Yep, I agree.

Do you have any particular preference for ordering?

  • cardtype.set.rarity.CardName
  • set.cardtype.rarity.CardName
  • other permutations

If there are no preferences, I would go with set.cardtype.rarity.CardName.

MrHen commented

I think set.cardtype.rarity.CardName works.

Will push in the next couple of days.

MrHen commented

Alright; I'll hold off on any refactoring then. :)


reminder to myself: GUI is probably broken due to this change.

MrHen commented

Yeah, looks like the CardFactory isn't working anymore. Created #104 to track the problem.