
Primary LanguagePython



"cricketOne" is a Python application that scrapes live cricket scores from the Crex website and provides them in JSON format. It allows cricket enthusiasts to easily access real-time cricket match scores. This application is built using various Python libraries and dependencies.


  • Live Cricket Scores: Fetches and provides live cricket match scores from Crex.

  • JSON Format: Presents the scores in a structured JSON format for easy integration with other applications.


"cricketOne" relies on the following Python libraries and dependencies:

  • bs4==0.0.1
  • customtkinter==4.6.3
  • getmac==0.8.3
  • Pillow==9.4.0
  • pyotp==2.8.0
  • requests==2.28.1
  • selenium==4.7.2

Getting Started

To get started with "cricketOne," follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
   git clone https://github.com/oyeadii/cricketOne.git
  1. Install the required dependencies using pip:
   pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the application to start fetching live cricket scores from Crex.

  2. Access the JSON data to get live updates on cricket match scores.


  • The application will continuously fetch live cricket scores from Crex.
  • You can access the scores in JSON format and use the data as needed in your own projects or applications.