
Primary LanguageJava

DiaryAndroid App

This App works like a typical diary by saving the writings of the user while enabling the user to make changes to already stored writings. After logging in using a google account the floating action button with the add sign can be used to add a new diary item. After a user is done with writing the floating action button can be used to save the writing. after which you are returned to the previous view with your saved item.


  • Android Support Library - Backward compatibility for views
  • Butter Knife - Field and method binding for Android views
  • Retrofit gson converter - for easily converting objects into a form that can be stored in preferences.
  • Firebase - Basically a backend as a service for authentication and real time database.
  • gms play services - for google login.

Getting Started

Clone the repository

Run and debug project with Android Studio 3 and newer versions. The project also require Java 8 and above.
